Asa Dye

If only Anthony Kiedis had gotten the message we'd be spared anything past and including One Hot Minute. Verdict: failing to die on time.

So, like an infernal contraption that's the creation of a diabolical mastermind? I get it now.

Phel, we prefer you say "harvesting". Not that you were planning to, but I wouldn't bring that panty-waist Communist blather up to Forks unless you want a spotted owl enema.

Definitely appears to be an ad from the Umbrella Corporation.

The Duracell ads use that same creepy technique from the old Dog Boy show on LiquidTV.

ok then
Monster Truck Rally

Overedumacated nancy-boys is all they is. I's just calls em all Tinkerbell, limp-wristed and eee-feminate. Go rootin around by the tracks at lunch, nothin I like better'n to hear Scoot (that's my buddy Scoot, got his name cuz his dog's always scootin his ass around on the rug), he'll call out "Got a Tinkerbell!" and

I object vehemently
"Likewise, the only reason any tourist would go to Forks, Washington is because they've read the disco-glitter vampire saga Twilight"

What's the difference between diabolical and infernal?

The guy clearly had some monumental brain problems, as anyone could tell by how he treated his face, keeping monkeys, Neverland, etc. But whitening his skin for vanity's sake is out of the question? WTF?

Sadly, I don't think Pixar does forehead carvings and face removings like in the recent Huston run for Moon Knight.

Kyle McLoughlin.

What seems to be your boggle, citizen?

Rambo returns home after a stint recovering from bloodlust in time for his sister's interracial marriage. The incessant Californian ambiance, like civilization slipping into a tub of its own navel-gazing, putrescent gravy, triggers an episode and the small chamber orchestra is worse off for it.

Sorry, we were looking for "Disnoid". "Disnoid". Would also have accepted "Disnoidification".

The Yellow Claw will subvert Minnie Mouse to spread his communist plots. Thank heavens for Buzz Lightyear and the Teen Titans!

Although the notion of a Pixar Moon Knight or some other random character would be sick. Pixar Thor? Pixar Dethlok?

You rikey my fan crub?
Hard to find a favorite this time, but I'll go with: "Perhaps someday, genetic engineering will have advanced to the point where chickens can be made to squirt "secret sauce" out of their pores when you bite down on them". Something about biting down on a live chicken sounds like fun, not to

Jesus Christ man, did you hear Steely Eyed Realist bossing Rick around? What a dick!

Ellie, can I take you to Hvar next time? I kept ending up with the "mixed meat" at every restaurant.