Asa Dye


Yeah yeah, I'
Dude, you are on FIRE!

Anything really angry by Tool or Rage Against the Machine will do. I will never forget that girl strutting while the speakers screamed "FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!"

You make the call: Dicken's Cider/Busch.

G. Gordon Liddy would never go for this nonsense.

The redistricting he finally got tagged for was really the least of the things he did towards fucking up this little democratic experiment.

I still love Miller, but I can't justify it to anyone else after The Spirit. It's indefensible.

Really though, this was a good inventory, despite the fact I haven't heard of half the people.

They've already fielded a dozen lawsuits for that one after a number of people twisted their torsos completely off.

Cool, I hadn't seen that game. I think there are enough diamonds out there in the rough to keep someone like me occupied, but I could see how a harder-core type would get discouraged.

it's on
Something's sure killing the Wii. Thing has a ton of potential for really getting ingrained in your life, especially with the idiot-proof wireless connection, but no substantial updates for 6 months and the games are just generally weak. Underdeveloped like my flat ass.

"Refreshingly informative!"

Too soon?

A true cocksman, wot!

I think the Heckuva Job Brownie character has always existed, but no one has epitomized the role as realistically and concisely as Brownie himself. What a perfect, perfect bufoon.

Good one, RRR! It's crazy that everyone is kind of a blank slate when it comes to Islam, but we all have so little to go on. I mean, when does the Islamic world ever collide with American culture?

I wonder where he's livin'.

Try a breadstick? In the elevator?

See, that would be fine, but hanging out with these two and allowing your picture to be taken is right out.

"Drape" is today's funniest word of the day.