Asa Dye

Bruce Campbell was awesome in the first one and has a great stage presence.

That vibrating breadstick is made out of tougher stuff, damn it!

Mother Time is Also Happy Fish Time As Well.

I'm 'ere to read your poet.

Must get pretty intense when Dad's gone for a couple days. Like, kinky.

New 5-part series by Charlie Huston, maybe by November? Sick. That is all.

When did this become Ladies' Home Journal? This review shouldn't be targeted at the Wii's audience, it should be targeted to the AVC audience.

Rowdy Roddy Piper is doing local carpet store ads in my jurisdiction, and clearly doesn't mind being drunk while he works his magic.

My Republican brother is worse than all of you.

Eric Shawn is one combo that escapes some parents. I've known two.

Miller will continue his work, shifting to the education of a select few disciples in his remote Midwest studio. Then, in the seeming twilight of his career, he will recieve a commision to create the capstone of his career, most likely something to do with Wesley Snipes and a whale documentary.

Then again, in some countries a parent will blind their own children in an especially disfiguring way in order to have them beg more profitably on the street, or just sell them to someone who will. This is almost imperceptibly more humane.

Yes to the first part Curtis, I don't care how equal they want to be.

When my houseplants get uppity, I show them the chaingun scene from "Predator".

Ooooh, Phalanx rules. A giant depleted uranium shotgun for taking out missiles right before they hit you IN THE EYE. Is there any way to strap one to Jesse Ventura?

I believe you mean the bard Elihugh Lewis, Esq.

Mentioned it before, but I gotta recommend "The Smashing Machine" documentary for a lot of the same reasons this book defied expectations.

Great piece, thanks. "saw plenty of himself in both Grodin and Nitro" is even better the more you think about it.

Yeah, I thought BEP was pretty much an engineered pop band to begin with. Shilling for Target is the whole reason they invented themselves, the apex of BEP achievement, the light at the end of the tunnel. So congratulations.

Go ahead and check out the Tweedles and just get it over with.