Visitor Q

Thought this was one of the weakest episodes of a solid season and the Ali was my least favorite of all. The highlight was easily Samm (aka Lil Wolverine) Levine as Wayne Wheeler. That's a story I actually had not heard before and isn't well-worn territory like the Ali story, and Samm nailed the part of a powerful

I'll back you up on the A- on this one. I laughed a lot and everyone had something funny to do. All in all pretty stupid and immature, but still funny.

Saw so many of her movies when I was too young to be watching those movies probably, but she was one of the first actors whose movies I would actually seek out because she was always so damn good.

So should they get Taco to be their new spokesperson or would that be a conflict of interest?

I always wondered why Buffalo Wild Wings was called BW3. Where's the third W? Now I realize the third W is for World Trade Center.

I'm all over High Rise as soon as I get a chance to see it no matter the reviews. Ever since I read it years ago I've thought it could be an incredible movie or at least fun as hell to watch.

I listened to the audio book and really liked it. There's one section of the book that could have used some editing but otherwise it felt like old Cronenberg writing a book, which is what I wanted.

Awesome. I was there last time. Hopefully the taping goes better this time around. Listeners really missed out by not getting to hear that one.

I want to go to this so bad but I can't make it. I went last time he was in Orlando, he was doing stand-up and a DLM over a weekend, and it was a damn good time.

There was an episode of Curb where Larry complained about the lemonade at some kids' lemonade stand. Then later drove by singing "Officer Krupke, krup you!" which was mistaken for him cussing at them.

I think she does think Groucho is a Stooge which bothers me way more than is reasonable.

Kubrick over Lloyd Kaufman? Just do a side-by-side comparison:

Horror and exploitation movies just don't get much respect. Interesting to see Herschell Gordon Lewis and John Carpenter on this list at least. I know those directors don't get as much respect but there are some that I think could kick the ass of directors on this list:

Something about that ending action scene was just funny. Maybe because it was so long and loud or the stupid cops walking down the middle of the street or people just running around. I swear it seemed like some of those extras were just running back and forth in the scenes with their hands in the air.

The "amateur cameraman of Cloverfield?" Excuse me, but that is T.J. Miller, mostly known for his starring role in the Yogi Bear movie.

And supposedly Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales

A really disappointing finale to a confusing season. I should be used to Shameless picking up and dropping storylines by now. What happened to the neighborhood gentrification that seemed like a major season plot? I was excited about that one and all we got was a consequence-free assault rifle attack on a coffee shop

I don't think Sal was any more compassionate or reluctant to degrade women as the rest of the guys at Sterling Cooper. He was always ready to join in to laugh at someone for making a mistake or demean the women at the office. When the guys were watching the secretaries try out the lipstick he thought it was just as

Loved having Monica back and her talk to Ian in jail was perfect for her. Of course she would use that rationalization that he should be free to be himself and not be around those that don't understand. That rationalization is used so often by people to not seek help for their conditions and it's very effective,

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