Visitor Q

It should win the Oscars for the past 12 years!

The Six Feet Under finale is without a doubt the most emotional episode of television I've seen. The first time I saw it it left me in a funk for days. I just wanted to lay in bed. And "Breathe Me" has that same effect on me.

"University" has always been the roughest episode of Sorpanos for me. Ralphie beating Tracee to death, after the sleazy horrible time she goes through in the episode already is horrible. Then the ending with the strippers back on stage, dancing like nothing happened. Some one else takes her place and nothing changes

This season of Shameless is feeling odd to me, at least for a season of Shameless. It seems more spread out than usual. Every character is getting some kind of continuing storyline and the show isn't focusing on Fiona or Frank. In the past there have been complaints about Ian not getting enough screen time and that's

If you're going to make a female cop and informant comedy why not take advantage of it and call it something like "Labias on the Run"? Or at least something to let us know these are attractive women like "Hot Cops." Or maybe "Hot Pursuit"? Oh wait. I understand now.

If I pick Reposted A7X Fan does that included all the reposted commentors as well?

So did we just find out that Ian has a 9-inch penis?

I seem to always like these episodes more than the reviewer.

I like it too. One of those fun Frank single episode self-contained stories the show does so well. Lots of funny moments like him walking into the bank getting security called then getting the royal bank treatment, discovering his Porsche which had someone sleeping in it and with which he ran over someone, the

She's been really funny in her appearances on Doug Loves Movies as well.

I'm just surprised he used "your" and "you're" properly. Good job Kid!

I was waiting for the William Henry Harrison ball to somehow break loose, probably from a Larry prat fall or Andy screw-up, and go rolling across the room and smash into Ron's presentation. Why did that not happen? How can a show have that big damn ball and not have it go rolling out of control? Very disappointed.

An episode like this is the reason I tune into Shameless.

I could still take him in a fight.

Do not try and swim to Europe.

She was funny in The Heat and even got to break out a Russian(?) accent. She's damn funny and should get more work.

I was thinking the same thing. There's no need to release Washington and Lincoln again. Ford and the Bush's would be a good way to change it up.

A few additions:

Glad this show is back. It's actually fun to watch compared to other reality/competition shows. It gives the warm fuzzies to see the kids support each other. And get to look at incredible food without all the annoying baggage of contestants scheming, arguing, and saying things like "thrown under the bus" and "they're

I love just how much Siskel & Ebert hated this movie, even thinking they should call out the people who made it. The review is on Youtube for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/wat…