Visitor Q

Mark Sandman from Morphine played a 2-string bass and got along just fine with one of the most distinctive bass guitar sounds in music. Though I'm guessing the guy in Body Count isn't up to Sandman's level.

I'm barely out of the starter area of this game, but am just loving it so far. I keep hanging around just to keep killing dinos for spare parts to craft and trade before I head out into the big world which I'll do today with Karja weapons and mods on everything. I think it's a gorgeous looking game so far, I'm liking

Dan recommended they try female condoms as well which might help with that problem.

Any recommendations for a book as a gift for a 16 year old girl who was into The Hunger Games when younger and still likes the dystopian novels and feminism and did a report on Nellie Bly (thus the Nellie Bly book #9 might be appropriate)?

"What supposedly terrifying movie doesn't scare you?" Okay, how many of the answers given are even of movies that are supposedly terrifying? Terrifying means far more than just scary or unsettling. Terrifying means it should make you feel terror. How many movies can reasonably even try to do that? Some of those

I was thinking the same thing. This would be a much more interesting question.

Agreed. Argento has made phenomenal films. Opera is my person favorite. I just watched the Synapse film release of Tenebrae this week and it's incredible as always.

Some additions:

Seeing him at Cons he is charismatic as hell. He loves kids and kids love him. He loves all his fans and they span a wide range of ages and types since he's done so many roles. He's also just a cool dude.

He goes to every Con he can and seems to love it. He's a great guy. I even got a hug from him and when I exclaimed that I had just got a hug from Henry, he replied, "Henry's a lover. He might kill you afterwards. But he's a lover." So, he's definitely having a good time doing what he's doing right now.

I was surprised this wasn't mentioned either. I guess the column would be huge if they went over all of his roles, but Wise Blood just really stands out in a career of great roles.

To give Kyle a bit of shit the only thing I disagree with as being funny is dropping food. That's just being an ass. I watched the video of the guy spilling the popcorn and think of the poor person having to clean it up so that the dumbasses making the video could get a few yucks. And if someone kicked a beer out of

This movie and soundtrack came out at the perfect time for me when I was in college. I saw this movie several times on acid in the front row tilted back and completely engulfed by it and loving it.

So your opinion is to level up the off-spec (dps) weapon to the first bonus perk while getting to level 110, then switch to main artifact and queue dungeons as main and place all artifact power into main?

Anybody else using the phone app for Legion? It basically just lets your run your order hall to send followers on missions, recruit troops, do research, etc.. but it's pretty nice to have that access when away from the computer. You still have to play to earn the order hall resources to run the missions but it's nice

Loving Legion so far. It's got me playing WoW again and more invested in it than I had been with Draenor.

I'm leveling through Kalimdor with this character, a Tauren Druid. I'm enjoying it enough that I'm considering once leveled of starting another character and going through Eastern Kingdoms and then I'd hit Badlands. The changes have been interesting so far, especially The Barrens and Thousand Needles, and I still

Yeah, they show that fall on that youtube outtakes video. Though the successful take looks just about as painful anyway.

I'm with you on playing vanilla WoW. I was in a raiding guild too, playing main healer. I started to lose interested with Burning Crusade, but keep getting pulled back in with each expansion. I started up my subscription again, but instead of prepping my level 100 characters I created a brand new character in the

"He really was that much of a fucking psycho."