Visitor Q

Definitely agree here. When I saw the movie I thought it was Ministry at first until I got a better look at them on stage. Then when I found out it was My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult it opened up industrial dance music to me instead of just the metal. I still listen to Sexplosion and Confessions of a Knife.

Road Warrior and Indiana Jones are definitely better action movies than Escape From New York, but Escape is still worthy of being compared to those two.

I'd agree with that entirely. The main thing holding For Your Eyes Only back is the creepy ice skating girl.

I finally watched this incredible movie. I've heard about it for a while but am hesitant to watch spoofs, especially one trying to tackle giallo, but I got it free in a Horror Block and so watched it. I was delighted that though it was funny it wasn't really a spoof as much of an homage from some obvious fans of the

Or try to climb/jump down a building to run away from guards and he just hangs from a ledge until he takes a shot and falls down and dies.

Unless this movie has a scene where he accidentally runs up a wall when he's being chased down a street and starts cussing as he tries to jump back off and guards take shots at him I'm not going to see it.

Yup, already know this and follow it, but thanks.

Accidental anal penetration can happen. I've done it. My wife is a squirter. Things get really slippery. Maybe we've had a few to several drinks that night. And end up changing holes without realizing it at first. Or in a couple of cases until she tells me afterwards. But then we do anal regularly and we've agreed I

You are correct. Rudy Ray Moore has stated this. When viewed in the intended 1.85:1 widescreen it isn't an issue. The new blu-ray release of it has both versions: the widescreen and the "boom mic" version.

Saw it this weekend and it was bad. Seemed like a long walk for a scene with two guys in walrus suits fighting each other. The long monologues were just boring. Johnny Depp's appearance was a black hole in an already slow movie.

It's been a while since I've seen American Psycho but I think there's a part where you see what Patrick has been doodling and his drawings are of things that happen in the book but not in the movie like the severed head bit. That's one way they were able to sneak some of it into the movie.

Was hoping for some graphic horror novels, some splatterpunk, by authors like Edward Lee or Richard Laymon. But I guess though those books are more disgusting to me than the books on this list that I've read maybe they aren't justified since they are trash and not aspiring to anything more than that.

@midnight can be a really good show, there have been some clunkers, but he does a damn job keeping the show moving and everyone on there is so quick I don't understand how they do it.

Surprised there's even a review for this album. Seems AV Club has been skipping on reviewing albums that are heavy at all anymore. Used to be we got regular reviews on even the most obscure heavy metal, but that's been a while. I guess those don't bring in the views and clicks that Beyonce does.

I did too. He gave a different twist to it. Instead of Michael being some kind of evil incarnate he gets a back story, which was a way of differentiating it from the original. The second half does feel a bit rushed though, compared to the slower moving first half.

Speaking of Ministry did anyone check out the release last week of Al Jourgensen's new band Surgical Meth Machine? It's surprisingly good. Seems like Al is somewhat rejuvenated on it. There's some parts I don't like, the opening song is a bit whiny, but overall it's an excellent listen with the first half being

Very timely that Dolemite is getting a blu-ray release from Vinegar Syndrome next week in time for the next article in this series. It's going to have two versions: the intended widescreen and a full frame "boom mic" version. Should be awesome (the blu-ray and the article).

I still listen to it from time to time. The Sex Nerd Sandra one recently was good. I still like his sense of humor about the topics discussed on his show.

I can listen to Enfilade on constant repeat. It's the epitome of an At The Drive-In song for me.

So how did the cops get the recording of Richie and his father talking about making up the alibi? Did they get a bug in his office while it's being fixed up from the fire? Or did his father for some reason wear a bug? I don't know what the cops would have on his father for him to wear a bug so seems the office would