Visitor Q

I love Splatterpunk novels, of which Ketchum is often grouped with authors like Edward Lee and Richard Laymon, all of whom make Stephen King look tame, but typically they are looking more to be grotesque and shocking, King wants to give you goosebumps and nightmares. Ketchum rides the line of the two types of horror.

The Woman is damn good and well worth watching for fans of horror. I know it's a sequel to Jack Ketchum's book Offspring, which is well worth reading to fans of horror books, but not necessary to have read it. The movie adaption of Offspring though is pretty horrible in my opinion.
But yes, The Woman is an incredibly

"in fact we all burn 1,000-plus calories per day doing absolutely nothing except breathing"

"Pinette had a gentle, non-aggressive stage presence…"
One might say he had an almost cherub-like demeanor.

I thought they left out one of the most important aspects of picking a console: the platform-specific games. Considering that they've played Halo in past episodes I'd think he'd lean towards the XBOX.

The main "sketch" I remember from this show is a cold open with David Wain. He talks about how he's an editor and so not in many sketches but adds a lot to the show. Then, it goes to the opening credits and it's all just Wain in the all the poses of the cast in the typical opening with the rest of the cast completely

I'm assuming that's a large chalkboard compass, so shouldn't have the sharp metal points of a smaller compass, but then I'll have to watch the movie to find out for sure.

Silly schoolgirl. Using the set square to masturbate when the compass is perfectly designed to penetrate two holes simultaneously.

Yelling at me helps me pee too. Thank you…. ah….

In college talking to other guys while in the bathroom, whether in a stall or at a urinal, shitting or pissing, whatever, was pretty common. After college it seems it is just not tolerated, which I don't like, especially when you're shitting in a stall with someone in the next stall shitting, might as well have a

In the past Dan has gotten letters from women with boyfriends who want to be pissed on and the women have said they're too bladder shy to be able to do it. He's given them step-by-step instructions on how to do it, starting from just peeing with the door closed with the guy outside to pissing in a bottle and pouring

I'm confused by what the hell this "13-year old stepson" is doing, that is assuming this letter is legit and not some nutjob sneaking one through on Dan. Who the hell is jerking off in the toilet? Is he standing up? I always had trouble doing it standing up, and I know a lot of guys love to do it in the shower, but I

"“POOPCOMER doesn’t have to like the fact that she orgasms from pooping,” said Dr. Herbenick, “but it’s better than the opposite scenario: unintentionally pooping during orgasm. That also happens.”"

I need your help with someone due to one extremely squicky kink. It’s about something that sometimes happens to scat lovers on the goddamn toilet seat. My boyfriend always leaves his bowel movements on my clit and that has thrown me for a loop because it happens only after my 13-year-old stepson pees in public

Preston Lacy in Jackass: He was a great wrecking ball and was always funny when chasing Wee Man.

Always wondered why Streep's character didn't make it into Heaven already based on her Past Lives Pavilion trip. Apparently she was Prince Valiant and that wasn't good enough.

Some people may wait not because of religious reasons or the importance placed on virginity. They may wait just because they're not ready for it. Some people because of some type of abuse in their childhood, mental/emotional developmental problems, or a lack of sexual drive will postpone losing their virginity.

Anyone here listen to the Savage Lovecast and pay up for the magnum episodes? I tend to like his podcast more than his column. Seems he takes better questions and problems there than he does in his column anymore. Some of the magnum episodes have had topics I think would be even more interesting like the one where he

I’m a 25-year-old virgin pussy. I was dating this girl for six months and I got to watch my buddy fuck her. We weren’t living together, so I don’t understand why I feel some internal angst about tampons that I have tried. I crave independence and I’ve been approached by girls, but there was yogurt in my fridge. Most

There's got to be room for a small role for Intellivision in that movie somewhere.