Visitor Q

I think the Kev and V storyline is getting shorted by viewers (at least reviewers and commenters) because of the incredible Gallagher storylines going on, but the Kev and V story is pretty incredible too. In the past with this show I'd get annoyed with Kev and V stories and want to get back to the Gallaghers. But Kev

I love this movie, and think he did just an outstanding job with his remake samurai movies. But I always cringe when people compliment his samurai remakes by saying that he was showing restraint. I guess the compliment that he's showing "restraint" is an attempt to show he has more range, but he has already shown that

These conservatives nowadays hold Reagan up like some shining example of what conservative Republicans should be. They have some imaginary form of Reagan and seem to not know what he really did. A politician with Reagan's views today would be considered a moderate conservative as compared to the new extreme

Without taking a look at the map I believe in my heart of hearts that in Florida the top musician has to be Flo Rida.

Snowboarding Defined

"I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to mine."

"That's bone. And the lettering is something called Silian Rail."

"Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark."

I am a straight male, married to a straight 19-year-old girl in college with a gender-neutral partner. I met this other guy and one of our favorite things to do is for me to deep-throat their cock. This friend has been in a relationship for 2.5 years (a WHOLE other situation), and we fooled around some but it makes my

If the person asks you in and is putting out all the signals, coming onto you, grabbing you, kissing you, feeling you up, whatever, doing something to show they are horny and willing, and not just passed out unconscious, then go for it. That's consent. Ask if it makes you feel better. Sometimes people use being drunk

I'm fat, ugly, fucked in the head, and more than a bit of an asshole, but have not had problems finding relationships. I think just having a stable job, having yourself somewhat together, being at least somewhat mature, not a total asshole, and confident enough to take of your shit is some minimum level of acceptance

I am an 18-year-old pansexual girl. Physically I’m not bad (not hot, but not ugly), but I expected a little bit more from the "Mexican” employee. We get along great, and it’s made me a little better, but I’ve come to rely on masturbating to take care of my sexual needs. Now here’s my issue: I’m not sure what being

I like teachers. You do something wrong, they make you do it over again.

Incredible episode.

Agreed. Depending on who you ask Metallica has 3-5 good to great albums, and one of those is a covers album. Megadeth however stayed toe to toe with Metallica through the early years, stumbled some in the late 90s (I've just never been able to get into the majority of Cryptic Writings and Risk), then came back with

I completely disagree. The Black Album did not somehow keep metal alive. All it did was spawn the pop-metal crap bands that exist today. There wouldn't be an Avenged Sevenfold without Metallica selling out.

Yes, badass Lombardo is on the drums for that album. And on top of that it had James Murphy on guitar. Just an incredible album.

Testament came so close to being lumped in with the big four, they even tried to get a bit more friendly with The Ritual, but it never quite worked out for them. Since Metallica's decline they've put out way better albums than them. The Gathering makes everything Metallica has done since Black album look pitiful.

I find it funny that a band that performs the song Nothing Else Matters would sue their fans for money they think they lost. I'm guessing at least one other things matters, unless I misheard that song and it's really about money.

Lars saying that is funny when you remember his stories of how they would make fun of the hair metal bands in LA and wore their ugly denim and ratty hair to distinguish themselves from the glammy hair metal bands. The story of them taunting Motley Crue and then running away when Crue came after them is pretty damn