Visitor Q

I didn't really mean to disparage Justice. I bought the tape the day it came out and listened to it over and over. I liked it then and I like it now, but it's never gotten the replay and revisits from me like the three before it. It's missing something. The horrible production and no bass are one reason, but it's

Not only metalheads abandoning them, but non-metalheads glomming onto them. I bought Black Album on release day despite my skepticism over this fucking song and Lars's interviews. After a listen I gave the tape to a friend who hated metal and Metallica's other albums but loved Black.

For those listening to Metallica before Black Album, they were a gateway to British heavy metal and punk. In the younger days they talked about all the shit they loved, and that they covered live and on Garage Days. I don't listen to Metallica like I used to, but I still listen to Misfits, Mercyful Fate, and Killing

It's interesting to draw the comparison between Metallica and Megadeth. Megadeth followed, at least attempted to follow, the same path as Metallica. A year after the Black Album Megadeth puts out Countdown To Extinction, so fucking similar as an attempt to tone down the long songs, long solos, and pure metal for

Why is in the line always before or after the mediocre Black Album? I think you can find plenty who'd put the line before And Justice For All. The first three albums show a pure progression of a heavy metal band from the raw to the epic. Justice was already a step back. I like it, but I just don't love it like the

A 21-year-old Mexican employee came to me and blurted out "Have you ever tried to see who can out-rim whom? Fun stuff." I had a yeast infection and a dresser full of pleated jeans, and before I knew what was up, we got along wonderfully and fucked wonderfully. I’m agnostic on God. This young man is a very spiritual

Methods for Proper Cleaning of Sex Toys:
1) Have slave brush teeth, gargle with antiseptic, then lick toys clean.
2) Leave on desk at work in easy view over the weekend for cleaning staff to clean it for you.
3) Attach to hood of car, go through car wash. Detach toy, flip over, attach again, and go through car wash again.

"Dear Dan, I recently had sex with a woman who I knew was married… errrr… ummmm…. no… Dear Dan, I recently had sex with a woman then later found out she was married…. hmmmmm… no…. Dear Dan, I'm a level-headed guy, but I have a stupid friend who had sex with a woman whom he later found out was married…. no, still too

Are there any commenters on here that can switch or know someone who can? I'm not heavily involved in a BDSM community, just tangentially, but I've talked about this with others and I just don't understand how they do it. I've never been with anyone who could switch, but they've been with people who could

I think most people keep it private because people tend to keep their sex lives in general private, and BDSM is generally considered a taboo and people worry about being unfairly judged for it.

So does that mean there's only going to be half man ass in the finale? I protest this strongly. No matter which half, only one cheek, only the top or bottom, some middle half section. I think after this season we deserve, no we demand, full man ass in the finale.

First off, alcohol/drugs are never an excuse for acting like a dick. Always own your actions and take responsibility. Not saying you're using them as an excuse but take them out of the equation.

Ah, this is a bit better, an all BDSM edition of Savage Love. No one looking for advice on how to tell their partner something, no obvious DTMFA, nothing about how a partner's libido is so much different, and only a small guest spot and plug.
That being said too bad he couldn't come up with some more interesting BDSM

Do a search for something like "large clitoris" or "penis-like clitoris." Something like that. You should find some nice pics of ladies with a clitoris so large when aroused it extends out in size and length similar to a penis.

It's not Macy the Super Bowl has to worry about. It's Emmy Rossum. This past week had her in a tight short dress ripping her fishnet pantyhose apart for a fuck on the kitchen counter. That beats anything Peyton Manning will do that night.

Disagree on two of those:


A bit disappointed that all of the Gallaghers are split up and on their own individual storylines. I always like when they're working together for a common goal, even all of the "trying to pay for something" scams they had in the first couple of seasons that the reviewers didn't like, or when they're at each other's

"The Canadian sex ed kid comes with a butt plug. “I went to see nurse teacher, I put a squid in my exit, so I'm good to go.”"

I'm going to work "snatch-22" into as many conversations as I can today.