Visitor Q

2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 6
That's why the show keeps fucking with me. Season 1 was so damned fun and tied the episodic stories into the serial story and the show has never been as fun or the club felt more like a club than in this season. Season 2 started to drop the episodic stories but the serial story was awesome. Season 3

Excessive amount of weed and alcohol together just makes me want to lay down until the spinning stops. Excessive amounts of one or the other is fine, but both and ain't nothing happening but waiting it out, especially a fight with some drowning and fork killing.

Fuckin' Sons of Anarchy. Since every episode this season has been an overlong hour and a half, of course the finale is going to be an extremely overlong two hours. Why do I continue to watch this fuckin' show? Oh yeah, a chance to see Walton Goggins in drag…

The Bad Religion Christmas Songs is awesome. And Fuck the AVClub for putting it on this list. The EP is fun as hell. And Fuck the AVClub for belittling the band's efforts to send some of the profits to a worthwhile charity. The band plays the songs straight, or at least straight up Bad Religion style, not layering

Plus, they seemed to just be getting better. They're not as apt to talk over each other, but are still really excited about the movies to where you can tell they are exploding to talk about something right at the start before even doing any setup. The interplay between June and Jason has gotten better with June

They have left Stanhope off this list before and I don't know why. Not even on anyone's list at all. I don't know why the AVClub either avoids him altogether or just don't like him. The guy is consistently funny and Beer Hall Putsch is easily one of the funniest albums of the year.
The story of his mom's suicide alone

I'm a big fan of Carlton Mellick III and I have not heard of this book. Unfortunately Amazon is temporarily out of stock. Anyone not reading his books, needs to start now. Apeshit is a great starting point for his books; it's a classic dead teenager setup but he plays with it in ways that Cabin in the Woods wouldn't

You can read up on it, find a Blu-ray player that can be modded easily and try it yourself. I'm not sure on the details of doing the mod yourself. If you're handy and like doing things yourself then you can find tons of info on the internet on how to modify specific players, some take software updates you'd have to

Got the pre-ordered Zatoichi box set as a gift from the B&N 50% off sale and received it Monday, the day before it's official release date. B&N must have some deal with Criterion. Reminds me of the last sale when they were able to release Devil's Backbone a week early.
Anyway, the Zatoichi box set is incredible. The

I think I'll just stick with the internet for my porn. Interracial threesomes? A woman drooling semen? Spanking? Schoolgirl outfit? That's the shit I click past. How about a camera view from inside the vagina during a sex scene? Sure it's been done in a documentary form, but Lars could make it all artistic and

That was my guess, and if so hopefully it's not just used in the trailer, but in the movie. I've always figured that hardcore sex and Rammstein would go well together.

Maybe they could add the KG Rulez! achievement for watching all Tenacious D movies and videos.

Why the hell do I need a gray progress bar at the top to show me how far I've scrolled down in the article? Isn't that what the scroll bar on the right is for? Or do I need two bars? One to show me how far I've scrolled in the article without the shitty NuDisqus and another to show me how much with the shitty

The new design has fucked up TVClub.
TVClub used to have a nice easy to find listing of all shows AVClub has reviewed. A drop-down so you could find whatever show you wanted to read about. Especially nice for finding reviews from the past. That's fucking gone.
I just finished Orange is the New Black but can't find the

I thought this was a pretty good episode. The hot angry coach was good League material, how everyone fell under her spell, including Jenny. Ruxin jerking it to a picture of her while covering up the kids got a good laugh out of me. Andre trying to be a host for infidelity was good stuff even if the wig stuff wasn't.

The best part of one of the worst episodes of the season.

I read "You get to order fucking chicken." as "You get to order fucking children." which made sense to me that they could do that but made me pause that he would admit it before I re-read it and found my reading mistake. I still think my version is better.

Yeah, that's unfortunate. DVDBeaver has a write-up on it and say the same thing: http://www.dvdbeaver.com/fi…
It's a shame that Kino seems to consistently lose out to MoC, which makes owning a region-free Blu-ray player basically a necessity.

A switch is a stick that your dad makes you go break from a tree so he can beat you with it. Some folks incorporate that into their BDSM play, the switch I mean, not the dad, though I'd guess that's possible too.

Wipe the affected area with the wafer part of an Oreo cookie. Two wafers works best, using them to sandwich a filling covered piece of fur, then scraping the cream off the hair and onto the wafers. Oreo cookie wafers and Oreo cookie filling are naturally attracted to each other so this should work.
If it doesn't work