Visitor Q

Maybe, but gloryholes are fun. Though I guess sometimes two people using a gloryhole could technically be in the same room, just not in the same stall or booth.

I am so fucking happy that the Criterion sale will go on long enough to pick up the Zatoichi box set. I had been hoping that it would. Narrator you are my hero today.

Writing this from the future (or the past depending on how you look at it) where no one will ever read this, especially not Todd, but I want to write this anyway.

Writing this from the future (or the past depending on how you look at it) where no one will ever read this, especially not Todd, but I want to write this anyway.

The treatment of the gang just reminded me of past episodes where a character steps out of the gang's orbit and so the others fill the void by acting like that character. So, with Charlie gone, they all took on the aspects of Charlie: they got more stupid and began huffing gas. Except they weren't as good at bashing

This weekend I watched De Palma's The Fury for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to see Cassavetes in there. He always plays a good sleazebag. And while not one of De Palma's best, it's pretty forgettable except for the excellent ending, but both Cassavetes and Kirk Douglas make it worth it, and the mean

Dear Dan Savage,

It might work. Statham does annoyed really well. Along with anger it's his go-to emotion. But he might not be able to pull of appreciation. Maybe he can just go for forced affability.

Oh come on, the tux shopping scene with that great music is not only a classic but still holds up today. A tuxedo t-shirt?!!!! What? What a crazy guy that we knew nothing about before. That's still hilarious.

Porn stuff
Pretty boring set of questions this week. Getting tired of the boring relationship stuff and wanting the nasty weird sex stuff.
Anyway, so I was thinking about how much it would suck for someone to find my porn and BDSM and sex stuff if I were to die. Which got me to wondering why would it suck? I'd be dead

Oh Skinemax I stopped watching your softcore porn a long time ago when you want away from the classic Eurotrash. Bring back my Emmanuelles and Black Emanuelles and Fanny Hills. And what about the young Swedish women who worked at the gas station getting their tanks filled? What about the German guys that hopped right

First off, it was weird to see Betty Draper's father as one of the Irish "Kings" or whatever they're called, the old guys sitting around a table. He's back from the dead and helping to run the IRA apparently.

I've wondered if these type of problems would decrease if the NFL went back to its older style of protective gear like the leather helmet and pads. I wonder if having the hard helmet and more padding has caused players to hit harder, thus causing more injuries. Are the newer pads and helmets really decreasing injuries

I liked this episode a bit more than most it seems. This show has become a hang-out show for the most part, except for when Rafi enters the picture and ratchets it up. The guys are all stereotypes of typical guys that hang out in groups talking shit to each other and basically just acting like guys. Making Jenny a

Scores of reviewers have praised her earlier movies and performances and I've disagreed so don't see that swaying me this time. Comparing her career to de Niro is preposterous. de Niro is on the decline but had an incredible career before that. Bullock's career is nowhere close. And because of de Niro's recent bad

No, it's the prequel to Original Sin which seems odd since it has the world Original in it, but it's one of those movie title conundrums like The Neverending Story.

I really want to see this but Sandra Bullock is big negative for me in getting out to see this. The woman just cannot act. And I don't think I can watch another scene of her trying to act hysterical or yelling or whining or whatever the hell it is she does. Isn't this a perfect role for Noomi Rapace? Or Charlize

Eh, I'll still watch it. Sounds like it could be at least be fun and not just boring.

After Stendahl Syndrome I think the two of them have crossed whatever borders there are about fathers directing daughters in movies. The only thing left is for him to direct himself and her in a sex scene, or more likely a rape scene.

I've never understood the foot fetish thing, not that people are sexually aroused by feet but how it is a fetish. What constitutes a fetish where it concerns a body part? I've never heard of a breast, ass, or pussy fetish and I'm sure there are tons of guys that think about those constantly and look at them, touch