Visitor Q

I had been planning on not even trying the online for at least a week to let Rockstar get their shit together.

I just started Against The Day. I've read every other book by him and told myself I couldn't read the newest one until I finally read Against The Day, not that I didn't think I'd like it, it's just huge so I kept putting it off.

I was thinking this too. What a perfect ending to that show that really couldn't have ended any other way.

I love that movie. Head is just one of the funnest damn movies. Everyone working on it seems to be having a blast. It's really fun to watch with someone for their first time. And I get something new out of it each time I watch it. It's overflowing with gags and jokes and great visuals like everyone involved took

The only Kurahara movie I've seen is I Am Waiting from the Nikkatsu Noir set and I really like it, love the style of it, and it really stands out in that set of incredible movies. So, I've wondered about that Eclipse set of Kurahara movies. If you say at least two of them are incredible that makes me think it's worth

Picked up the BBS set last sale and it's incredible except for those two previously unreleased movies, which for me were only interesting as curiosities and don't see ever watching them again. But I love every other movie and all of the commentaries are good, especially both commentary tracks for The Last Picture Show.

Craig, I've been wondering about that set of Koreyoshi Kurahara movies. It looks incredible, but I haven't plopped down the money on it yet. For this sale I looked at it but got the Oshima's Outlaw Sixties set instead. I'd be interested in reading your take on the Kurahara movies once you've watched them.

Criterion's 24 Hour Flash Sale just started today at noon EST.

Barely into the story mode as I keep doing side shit.

It's a trade-off with the cops. They're way more aggressive but you can drop a 3-star wanted level (not sure about 4 or 5 since I haven't gotten those yet) by just avoiding them as opposed to having to find a Pay-N-Spray like the previous games.

I love the movies and started listening to the books in my car about a year ago, going in order. Moonraker was pretty fun. But I stopped at about halfway through at Goldfinger. By that point Bond had bang-healed a couple of women with sexually abusive pasts, converted a lesbian, pontificated how gender equality had

Almost done Cities of the Plain by Cormac McCarthy, be finishing it tonight. I read All The Pretty Horses a few months ago, then read The Crossing recently and decided to just continue the trilogy and dove right into Cities of the Plain. I've got a book that has all three together.

That was the first book I read by Roth and I loved it and started me on a path to read all of his books, which I'm not sure how far I've gotten, but glad that was the first one I read.

Preaching to the choir. So fucking annoying.

Using $ and ¢ incorrectly to denote cents.

So when is Lobo finally getting his movie and tv series? Get on it DC!!!!!

Tired of all the writing about whether Sons "earned" the school shooting or not. In the world of Sons everything is only about how it affects the club. The school shooting and Gemma's rape cannot be compared. Gemma is a major character on the show and at the time was the pivot between Jax and Clay, so her rape tied

I've only done the first few story missions as well, but they were fine.

Cat People is the one with Kinski tied to a bed so a dude can bang her without being torn apart when she turns into a cat? How the heck does that work? Been so long I can't remember how much they show. Guess I should buy that to find out then.

Yeah, definitely in character for Piper. She's shown before she'll pretend to be offended when treated like that but really likes it. She's always wanting attention and to be told she's attractive and to be accepted by anyone. The worse people are to her the more she wants their approval. From her fiancée to the Time