Visitor Q

They were definitely riffing off of Demolition Man here, especially with them having tor bring back a law enforcement agent from the same past as the bad guy to bring him to justice.

I'd have gone with a different Miike movie here. One that is still about "crime and kinship" and also "a sweet story about the triumphant power of familial togetherness and perseverance."
Sure, there's no stop-motion animation, but to make up for it there's necrophilia, lactation, incest, and one of life's best

" But Gordon is concerned that Luca’s dishes have been “very, very heavy. I don’t want to finish up with a heart attack. Duck liver, short ribs, dessert, then I’ve got to make love to my wife!” "

The Fragile Male Ego

"There's a rule… a tradition… that says I have to kiss this girl…. She's just upholding the law. It's a federal law actually…. That was good. But you know what? It wasn't great."

I am Cornholio! I need TP for my worm hole!

I love De Palma, not sure if I'm a fanboy, but I'm a huge De Palma fan, and wouldn't shit on Mike for this review, though for five bucks I would. I just don't give a shit what he or any other critic think about it. I'll see it as soon as I possibly can. Even with this being a bad review, I still think it has the stuff

So what would it take for AVClub to make Ignatiy the main movie reviewer around here? Seems he gets about one a week, compared to some other getting a few a week. And I always enjoy reading Ignatiy's reviews more than any other movie reviewer this site has ever had, and have enjoyed his writing on other sites and his

It's actually a suped-up Kurt Russel with an eye patch.

"But as is so often the case when a challenge benefits from a flair for melodrama and salesmanship, there’s no beating Gordon and his Vietnamese noodle soup, which, he intones, was first made for him “by a phenomenal, elderly, toothless lady” he met “on a tiny boat on a floating fish market on the Mekong Delta in the

One moment that stuck out for me was when Tom Lennon said that he had been booked on the Russel Brand show but was cancelled from it because he wasn't interesting or intelligent enough. Tom Lennon wasn't interesting or intelligent enough to hang with Russel Brand? That I really don't understand.

The MasterChef Clock

2. Put a nice minty mouthwash in the bong water.

"With excitement like this, who is needing enemas?"

That's my thoughts on Nate and his arc for the show. He was a guy who ran from everything and during the show started to face those things. He didn't always succeed at them, in fact he usually screwed up. His selfishness always got in the way.

Big Spoilers with A Question

In Werner Herzog News:

I saw it in the theatre as well, at the age of 9, with a friend who I wasn't really good friends with, so not sure how we ended up going to a movie together. I remember we both loved it and thought it was just the funniest thing we'd ever seen. It started a trend where each Christmas after that I'd make sure my dad

Yeah, it's probably the settings. There are tons of articles out there about setting up an HD television for watching movies, which involves basically turning everything off like interpolation and turning down the brightness. A lot of tvs have a settings for different modes like Sports or Movies, and setting it to

This weekend when I saw that Criterion was releasing the full 25 film 62-73 Zatoichi series, I screamed like a little girl, and that's something I rarely do out of joy, usually just pain or boredom. I've watched them all and just love them. So the only movie missing will be the 1989 one, which is fine.