I had a budgie but it died

my life is so boring…

Ya those tapes were beyond slow. My rich friend had a Commodore 64 with a 5-1/4 floppy disk drive. Blew my fucking mind man.

Luxury. I had a VIC-20 and manually typed out games in BASIC from the back of a Compute! magazine.

Serious question: As a guy old enough to have owned an original NES, these modern console games look incredible. But sadly I'm also old enough to have shit to do. Are there any good games for the latest consoles that you can just sit down and play for a half-hour? Or are they all these epic games?

I guess when Sansa made that speech to Jon last week (about taking back Winterfell) I was hoping she was going to transition from naive-girl-who-gets-used-by-everyone to pissed-off-badass-Northern-chick-who's-going-to-systematically-off-everyone-who-screwed-her-and-her-family-over.

I concur. Serena is awesome and seems really cool.
But those annoying frat boys with their annoying ADD editing and annoying boring music are annoying as hell.

Dunno, I think Sansa would have killed him. I get that the writers want to keep him around because he's a great villain, but she would have killed him for sure. Bit of a cheap storytelling trick to let him walk out of there.

Right around 9:50 I turned to my wife and said "hey, nobody died this week!" Dammit. Poor Hodor-Wyllis.

I dunno, Sansa's pissed, and Sansa's been through some shit. Last week she was clearly out for blood.

Personally I thought Snow would probably spare Olly. Sure he was a little shit but, more than anybody else at Castle Black he had good reason to hate the wildlings. But, when he was standing on the scaffold he looked at Snow with such blind, psychotic rage you knew he was way beyond rehabilitation. Snow pretty much

Teti bet $79 on Olly dying at 25-1 odds. If I've done my math correctly he's basically a millionaire now.

I think punching the producer was the only legitimately asshole-ish thing I've ever heard about him, and he definitely deserved to get fired for it.

Politics aside, Mr. Obama seems like a cool guy, but deep-down I think he's a pretty hardcore geek. That's not an insult, that's the kind of person I prefer to hang out with (the geek part; cool people won't hang out with me).

Yeah they're lefties. NDP is way left of the US Democratic party. Not saying that makes it any better.

Guilty I say! The ending was the same, even the $1 million prize was the same. Didn't, SNL did the same thing with that sketch with the singing riverboat ladies and what have you?

WE. ARE. THE. ROBOTS! Boop-boop-bee-boop!

I think he said "you can *type* this shit" … but yeah, the point stands.

I can't watch this without getting emotional

Yeah, no, absolutely not a singles band. They had an amazing run in the 90's, Laid, Wah-Wah, Whiplash, Millionaire.

Hey also played keyboard on Joel Plaskett's "Nowhere with you", which is an awesome song…