I had a budgie but it died


I mean, the more I think about the last two episodes the more irritated I am. Let's say the whole "kidnap a zombie to try to form an alliance with psycho-pants Cersei" plan wasn't totally stupid (which it totally was). I'll give you that.

Why didn't the other two dragons torch the crap out of the Night King after they saw him kill the first one? I mean… they could have gotten revenge immediately.

this makes me feel like having a mother effin' beer.

"it was about state's rights!"
"State's rights to do what?"

Plus the whole "re-writing history" or "changing history" argument drives me nuts. The Civil War is (or should be) taught in history class, and there should be a museum in every state capital. It's not erasing history, it's getting offensive memorials out of public spaces.

well, yeah, I suppose there's that.

It was a very stupid thing for her to do.

The yodeling song from Cliffhanger is my ringtone.

Ha, that's true. It's not that close, but in your early 40s I think it just starts to sink in that it's not that far off either. I'm also naturally a worry-wart so that doesn't help.

I'm 43 and recently started having nightly freak outs (panic attacks) about this. The clock is ticking and I haven't done all the things I wanted. Maybe I never will. It sucks.

E720 actually would have flown in Swedish bikini models on private helicopters and hired personal private chefs for everybody. They just would have taken a massive loss in the process.

I'm looking forward to the HBO documentary in a year or two.

I agree 100%. I know a fair amount about this stuff IRL and this is pure Silicon Valley hype. The technology is nowhere close to what they are talking about.

I live in Boston and I totally agree. Just brings up shitty memories. Reminds me of "United 93" (which I couldn't sit through either)

It's hard to tell if someone is good at drums

Based on NBC's coverage there's only swimming and women's gymnastics. Enough with the swimming already!

I like it when there's spaceships, but they're not in space. That was tough to do back in the 80s man.

^Exactly. Sansa was the only one on team Stark-Snow with any damned brains.

"Aye, but will they fight for you knowing that you won't fight for them?".
Yeah, Jon, they absolutely will because they're fucking terrified of the guy. Idiot.