I had a budgie but it died

The Hobbit 2:  Fuck you Peter Jackson I'm not sitting through another 3 hours of this shit.

Well, like I say my original comment was meant to be a lighthearted jab … I have no idea who this particular "agent" is but it may well be that she just happens to be attractive (good for her, geez).  Regardless of her career trajectory I think her pick for PP was a good one and people would rather watch her than my

My original comment was actually intended to be "funny", but I see now I may have failed (which is pretty normal for me).  I actually thought it was a great video.
Also Kyle you sex it up nice all by yourself.

So… was this a deliberate effort to sex-up Pop-Pilgrims?   Oh sure, the brilliant Emmy winning writer just happens to be cute, but the "Ford Fiesta Movement Agent"?

Personally I think Transmissions from the Satellite Heart is a great album.  "Jelly" was inexplicably the big hit but it's my least favourite song on the album. I wouldn't say I hate it but I skip it too.

Two (almost) words:  Punkin Chunkin

While you guys were mocking Zack Braff's filmography, 25,673 dimwits donated $1,786,676 to fund his piece of shit movie.

Yeah a dog's visual system has a refresh rate of 70-80 Hz, whereas the TV signal's frame rate is 30-60 Hz at best.  The sequence of images just doesn't look real to them the way it does to us (our refresh rate is closer to 30 Hz, which is why we picked the frame rate we did).

I would love to see a Dennis Duffy supercut.  Someone should get on that.

"Excuse me, do you have the new Depeche Mode record?"

neurozach should know because he's the Beeper King.

I can't believe I'm defending Seth MacFarlane (I wholeheartedly agree with Cartman on the Family Guy issue), but these indignant entertainment reporters need to zip it.

I love Alison Brie but that was terrible.  Jimmy and Artie seemed enthralled though.

Those are definitely four of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.  Pretentious ass hats.

"Look this up on Youtube: Hamlet the mini pig goes down the stairs…"

Oh man, that gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

Oh man, that gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

Why, because anybody who REALLY read Atlas Shrugged would be so overwhelmed by its rational intelligent awesomeness that they could never ever say a bad word about it?

Why, because anybody who REALLY read Atlas Shrugged would be so overwhelmed by its rational intelligent awesomeness that they could never ever say a bad word about it?

"…I'm pretty sure I make more money than you"
If that guy pulls in more than 50 bucks a week with his weird little web cartoons I'll shave a dollar sign into my ass hair.