
If only you could talk to the voiceover guy.

I also think the series would never have had Nate's death in the final episode, as some people seem to have expected. Six Feet Under has always been about what happens after: after two people get together, after love ends, and especially after someone dies. It's all about aftermaths, denouements - it pretty much

M(acb)eth. Coincidence? You decide.

The Runaways series of comics (at least the original Brian K. Vaughan run) would be great material for a TV series, provided you had a showrunner with similar sensitivities to Joss Whedon. The series pushed a lot of the same buttons for me as Buffy did - it works as a fun genre story, but it also takes many of the

Perhaps you're right. Then again, it's not jovial bonhomie on the whole that I find grating - it's just that every interview I've seen with the man sets my teeth on edge. For all I know this is entirely my own fault - I'm not saying the guy is a dick, I'm just saying that he rubs me the wrong way in the interviews and

Perhaps you're right. Then again, it's not jovial bonhomie on the whole that I find grating - it's just that every interview I've seen with the man sets my teeth on edge. For all I know this is entirely my own fault - I'm not saying the guy is a dick, I'm just saying that he rubs me the wrong way in the interviews and

I greatly enjoy his Sallah, and I have fond memories of his Paladin in Wing Commander - but I find the man himself really grating in his jovial bonhomie, at least in the interviews I've seen and read. I can't exactly put my finger on what it is, mind you. Perhaps it's that I always feel he thinks he's tons more

I greatly enjoy his Sallah, and I have fond memories of his Paladin in Wing Commander - but I find the man himself really grating in his jovial bonhomie, at least in the interviews I've seen and read. I can't exactly put my finger on what it is, mind you. Perhaps it's that I always feel he thinks he's tons more

Ditto. To my mind, Six Feet Under requires its audience to have empathy; I can't imagine watching (and enjoying) the show without the ability to empathise e.g. with Brenda and Nate even while you're shouting at them for being complete asshats.

Ditto. To my mind, Six Feet Under requires its audience to have empathy; I can't imagine watching (and enjoying) the show without the ability to empathise e.g. with Brenda and Nate even while you're shouting at them for being complete asshats.

Small nitpick: that high school vs college, two types of people in the world thing? That works if the world is the United States. The distinction and all the baggage that comes along with it may not be unique to the US, but it is definitely strongest over there.

Small nitpick: that high school vs college, two types of people in the world thing? That works if the world is the United States. The distinction and all the baggage that comes along with it may not be unique to the US, but it is definitely strongest over there.

Put me down as someone else who didn't like Big Fish. It's not the sentimentality that bothers me so much as how the film sides 100% with the father and thinks the son is being a dick - I found the father and his desperate need to turn everything into stories (and stories centred on *him*) egocentric, histrionic and

Can't say I agree. IMO the first two Harry Potter films are great in terms of production design, but the direction is painfully boring. What's more, Columbus got broad, maudlin performances out of actors that can do a better job - and have, in the later films.

I don't particularly like Ocean's Twelve, but it's still the vastly more interesting film than Ocean's Thirteen IMO. The latter felt like a stale retreat to me, whereas the former was doing weird, wonky, postmodern things that felt like Soderbergh was at least trying to do something other than Yet Another Sequel.

Apart from anything else, the structure and build-up of that sequence of scenes is possibly the best Twin Peaks ever did: Julee Cruise's song, everyone but Coop suddenly frozen, the Giant appearing, "It is happening again," cut to the goings-ons at the Palmers', return to Coop and the infinitely sad giant… Gives me

It's a shame…
I liked moments in You and Me… a lot, but on the whole I couldn't stand July herself. I have a high tolerance level for artsy indie fare, but she rubs me the wrong way. There's something utterly smug, self-satisfied and twee about her, at least to my eyes.

Who's your daddy?
Keith Mars. Ideally with Veronica, but I'd also take him in a series of his own.

I always loved Veronica, her dad and the snappy dialogues - but the editing style of the series took some getting used to. It always felt to me like a talented but unfocused teenager who was told to a) get the episodes down to 40 minutes and b) make it, like, cool.

Fuck Limahl…
Michael Ende's Neverending Story. I'm well into the double-digits with that one, and I still greatly enjoy reading it.