
Lasseter's sainthood
Yes, John Lasseter is to be praised for championing Miyazaki in the West - but his DVD intros to the Studio Ghibli films are retchworthy in their weird, offputting combination of fawning and patronising tones. The one he did for Spirited Away must be the worst.

If there's only one bullet point, does it constitute a list?
I feel sorry for that single bullet in search of a point… Also, the Shakespeare quote changes from the title to the first paragraph. Then again, you have to watch V, Simon, so perhaps we should give you a pass on those…

The Grifters is one of the films I expected a lot of and was left feeling pretty meh. It's obviously well acted and written, but I didn't care a bit about any of the characters - and I'm the kind of guy who finds some sympathy even for pretty horrid characters. It just left me cold. And Annette Bening seems to tend to

Regarding Annette
I have to say that I've found Annette Bening immensely annoying 90% of the time. How much of a freak am I?

Does Ainsley Hayes ever get worthwhile?
She's got the occasional moment that's good, but by and large I find her badly written and badly acted. She comes across (to me, at least) as a half-hearted concession to 'the other side' rather than as an actual character. And in that I find her way more patronising towards the

Don't watch it. The film isn't a complete crime, because Spielberg knows his craft, but it's utterly unnecessary and doesn't have a single scene that doesn't recall a better scene in one of the earlier Indy movies.