

Too much tuna!

My three year old iPad mini is a brick now for that reason. I never cared for it much, anyway.

I'm angry just reading this.

ESPECIALLY if it's a full-sized iPad.

I was just wondering why I never watched Disney Channel as a kid (I'm 40) and that's totally why. I think my parents blew their cable budget on HBO and Cinemax.

There's just something about the way the watermelon Stevens are framed and animated - so hilarious and adorable.

Careful ProjectKnow, you might throw your back out with that overreach. I'm against any sort of body-shaming, but this is not it.

This is true. People need to remember this is still the early 80's, a frumpier time and still with carryover from the late 70's.

That was some "o" face!

Well, bears are a big symbol in Russia.

How dare you remember history because of TV shows! :)

Good question. Fear? Ignorance of what was really going on? We're starting to notice things more now because of smartphones and social media. I'm hoping these are the beginnings of a sea change in law enforcement for the better. Here in Chicago there's a task force trying to get a truly non-biased independent

Then you're really living up to your username!

He could put it in a safe deposit box at the bank.

Congrats! It's so weird/cool to put faces with usernames.

You guessed it! We were strictly a Little Caesars house growing up. I think I might have had Domino's once or twice drunk at a party. Had it sober and it was one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth. Worse than public school cafeteria pizza, even.

I used to think that about pizza, but I had some recently that tested that theory.

The wigs are much better.

His expression seems to say, "I know, I can't believe it either!".