
X-Men timelines make my head hurt - if they keep up the recent quality then I'll definitely keep watching.

The Paris Hilton references are a couple of films away.

So much of the Carrie Diaries was either currently available from Urban Outfitters and the like or it was blatantly 90's, like their prom dresses. It bothered me so much, having grown up in those eras! I loved that stupid little show.

Purely anecdotal - My dad was a Miami firefighter for 35ish years, and the kids he grew up with that had a chip on their shoulder became cops. He always reminds me that a lot (not all!) cops aren't very smart, and it was either this job or going into the service. Actually many of them became cops after doing their

What about the World Police?

You forgot making as many drug arrests as possible to fulfill quotas and secure funding.

Sounds like an SNL video short - a couple painting Houston red while everyone is either at the concert or protesting it.

I wish I could upvote this a billion times.

Seizing on some brief imagery in a video made by a black woman ties in nicely with their clannish defense of their increasingly public bias against people of color. To them it allows them to say "See? We have a reason to act this way - the blacks are against us!"

I go through that area almost daily and I truly never noticed it. I guess I should look up more?

The tinkling piano keys

I remember noticing when they'd use the "short" version of this. Good lord, we watched SO much TV back then.

Flood of memories -whoooa!

Didn't they also show a making of Conan The Barbarian a lot? Close Encounters comes to mind, too.

Your upbringing via TV sounds similar to mine. Did you watch MTV for hours when it first aired? I was lucky, my mom LOVED it, so there was a lot of singing and dancing in front of the tube in those days.

Oh yeah - so weird, I was thinking about her during this episode but spaced on the name, apparently.

I can't remember who Kimmy is!

Moms yell at their kids all the time for disobeying them. In this instance it's not something mundane like chores or refusing to do their homework.

I think you gotta hit in the right place - where your skull meets your spine.

I thought this too.