
Thank you for this, was just wondering how I was gonna go about watching the rest. Watched the first two last night at a friend's house not expecting to be as wowed as I was.

I think MBR meant will they miss a lot of nuance because they haven't seen it, not because they're unfamiliar with Lynch. I'd say having at least a cursory knowledge of the original series is highly recommended.

I feel bad for not knowing he had those kind of chops.

Ugh, that is probably my most anticipated game. No, it is my most anticipated.

Makes sense that a portion of the population would be anti-government, though.

How about truck testicles?

Well obviously, but it can be even more enjoyable with visuals, lighting etc.

Regarding the having other producers point - it's pretty difficult to produce yourself when you're trying to focus on writing and performing. Kind of like an actor/director relationship. Also a lot of creativity comes from collaboration. I'm not a Kanye stan but I felt like that need to be said.

You don't think the comics fans would make a stink about it? Not being "authentic"?

I was thinking that as well.

"Kale tastes like foot juice" - oh my god!

It's also very difficult in a pool or hot tub.

I thought this was really good but bit overlong, and it too made me miss Fringe (RIP).

I'm newly single and finding that I have to REALLY like the person to sleep with them, which honestly sucks because I need to get laid! I had the opportunity even and I balked because I had doubts about the guy being relationship material. My marriage was sexless for quite a while.

Doesn't seem much better in LA.

Yeah she appeared slightly more schlubby. Maybe she was hunching over? Or it was her natural pose and she stopped trying to stand up straight.

I mistook her at first glance for Taryn Manning! When she saw her on her phone.

Sounds like Atlanta drivers (inattentive, oblivious, entitled)

Miami really does have a ton of assholes and not a lot else to make up for it.

We got yelled at by randos for waiting in line at the "wrong" cheesesteak place so… yeah. Also the band we were seeing was from California and one of them - proudly wearing his Raiders hat - said something about the Steelers and I thought people were gonna riot (i think that was right around a playoff).