
When you kill yourself, there will be no one left who appreciates that film on the level you do.


I won't see this movie because it seems too mainstream for me.

Pinkie sometimes fails to make me chuckle.

Sorry, PF, you were mislead. It's a cinematic realization of "Back That Ass Up" by Juvenile.

He might not want you sitting next him for that long.

comparative grading
If Skyline was a C, then this was an A+. I was actually angry at how bad Skyline was, and while not a huge HP fan I found part 1 to be elegiac and satisfying. The universe does not exist where Skyline & this movie are rated equivalently. You need to seriously go fuck yourself for calling Skyline

You left out Spiny Norman, who was between the P bros and Shand.

punch your mom in the fartbox and tell her to fuck off. while she is writhing in agony, take the car keys and head to your local multiplex.

"let me in" fits with the vampire mythos/ethos of permission to enter, while the original title plays off of the morrisey song "let the right one slip in," encompassing the sense of longing that pervades the book.

that you think too much.

ok, dys, that made me fucking laugh

but she learned her lesson…
I forced my underage daughter to watch 9 & half weeks while drinking a martini; she got violently ill. Now, she doesn't like sex, drinking, or me. So, you know, mission accomplished.

I certainly can't "prove" Tom Cruise is gay, but, man, his dick tastes like shit!

By "eat" maybe he meant "suck" and by "pizza" maybe he meant "cock." And, really, if he can suck cock in a male shower and not get aroused, who are we to question his masculinity?

Ok, but Steve Dahl was seriously funny. He and Howard were competitors on Detroit radio back in the early 80's. This isn't verbatim, obviously, but I bet I'm close:
Young Female Caller: Can you play [insert classic rock song here]?
SD: Yeah, sure. So, how old are you?
YFC: 15. Why?
SD: You sound young. Do you have any

it's fucking "elephantiasis," man. god, i'm such a dick…

you wouldn't give kramer a 7 on the friendship scale, dt? then you're a bigger douchebag than your moronic misreading of my riff on someguy's comment would seem to indicate.

Just how the fuck is Walken in Gigli not on this list? Granted, there was nothing to steal, but still…

I wasn't aware that there were any other kind.