Buck-toothed Girl in Luxembour

R.E. The Last Temptation of Christ:

I also broke down when I first saw Platoon. And when I say broke down, I mean I vomitted. I was only 12, had eaten too much candy, and was not prepared to see a guy get his arms blown off. Thanks for taking me to the movies, Dad, this is one of my more vivid childhood memories.

I vote for Dr. Zhivago.

That Jim Cantore is the harbinger of doom. If he shows up in your home town, you are totally fucked.

Sexy Halloween costumes
My daughter (age 8) and I accidently discovered the "sexy" Hermione Granger costume while we were shopping online for her Harry Potter-themed costume. Thanks internet.

"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

I too prefer classic rock on long road trips. It's pretty easy to find a station no matter where you are. It was the soundtrack for all my childhood roadtrip vacations and cross-country moves, too, so there is definitely a lot of nostalgia involved. Best roadtrip song: Me and Bobby McGee (preferably Janis Joplin's

R.E. "Couples, Retreat!"
I had a feeling someone had thought that one up a long time ago and couldn't wait to use it, hoping the movie was as bad as it always looked like it was going to be. This reminds me of the Gene Shalit school of movie reviewing: pick the ones that will give you the funniest punchlines when you

I rather enjoy swearing like a sailor, but I've got young kids so I have to edit myself for television at home. I find that I say "freaking" a lot in place of fucking. It's just not the same.

That pastrami IS delicious. We headed to Katz's Deli on our last trip to NYC.

NPR First Listen w/ Neko Case bonus track
You can listen to the songs on NPR, too. I know Lala doesn't work for everyone:

Germans didn't seem to have access to antiperspirant technology when I lived there in the late 80s. Going to a dance club was an olfactory assault.

I don't know why they took in Art either. I actually thought it was going to turn out that Cleveland targeted Art from the beginning, that he got Arthur to befriend him in the first place. In th end, though, this potential plot twist never materialized—I think Arthur would have ultimately admitted to his role in

I scrolled down here hoping to see someone mention "Up". This was back story perfectly done, especially for a family film—the parents could get misty-eyed without having to explain to the 4 year old that someone had died.

Did Art really spend the previous 4 years in Pittsburgh?
I didn't get a sense that Art had actually spent the previous 4 years living in Pittsburgh. Sure he knew his way around (neighborhoods, buildings, etc.) but he never ran into anyone he knew from before that summer. He kept running into his new friends all the

Why would I buy the first hundred episodes when they air them all on what appears to be a weekly rotation on Nick? Seriously, I challenge you to find a time when Spongebob is NOT airing. This is the only show both my kids (4 and 8 yrs. old) can agree on, so we watch at least a few episodes a day.

After reading this, I kind of wish I'd had a summer off after college. I headed straight to grad school, and, as a science major, was spending 70+ hours a week in the lab. Not a whole lot of time left over for limitless potential or oblivion . . .

I was sort of waiting to find out why/how Phlox was a very important part of Pittsburgh. Why would someone say something like that? It was never explained, so I decided in the end that it was just one of her obscure cultural references. Also, she was initially described in such "alien" terms, that for a little

Wasn't exactly tapping my fingers impatiently, but . . .
I enjoyed the first part of the book, but was more or less thinking something really BIG was about to happen. Any minute now. No? When Art got kidnapped from the book store, I was actually disappointed that it was only Cleveland and not the mob. The whole

When Phlox declared she was "a very important part of Pittsburgh", wasn't she just quoting someone else (as Art said, to cover for her lack of sense of humor)?