Buck-toothed Girl in Luxembour

Wikipedia says the song (The Cave) was released in the US in October 2010, but I remember hearing it on the radio long before then.

Since it was February just an episode or two ago, I doubt that it would already be November.  I think Memorial Day has always been celebrated in May though, so I agree there should have been more leaves on the trees.

Well, it wasn't on the AV Club Newswire . . .  until today.  Thanks Sean!

I was at his Asbury Park show on Monday.  He asked us if we were going to "the rally" on Wednesday, and I didn't know what rally he was talking about.  Possibly because I'm too busy busting my ass for corporate America.

Tasha, did you see the 3D version?
Are the effects worth the hassle with the glasses? I hope the answer is yes, since I already have tickets for the 3D version tomorrow (my daughter's choice, not mine).

Get well soon Jenny Conlee
We really missed her last night.

I like that kidney stone idea. I've experienced both child birth (without an epidural) and a kidney stone, and I'd say the pain is on the same scale. For the record, I did not receive a "push present" (gag) and I would have made fun of my husband if he'd given me one.

Sorry to post so late (was out of town when the finale aired). I found the Frank/Lois final scene to be quite touching, but I think there was a continuity break. Wasn't Lois Frank's second wife? A few seasons back she became the first wife when the previous first wife died. However, in this scene Frank was

This book was a lot of fun to read even though I guessed right away that Harding wasn't dead, that Carter hadn't really let the TV plans gets destroyed, that Annabelle would turn out to be Sarah, that Phoebe was the she in "she never died", etc. I kept anticipating that Gold was going to trick me, but he never did.

I found the "cranky old Iris" sections to be rather entertaining. My particular favorite was when she tried to make it down the basement stairs with a load of laundry. I also like the idea that the elderly know exactly how much of a pain in the ass they are for the people who are trying to take care of them.

Noel later wrote about the interview in his Popless feature:

I don't often have time to listen to Hazards all the way through, but I'm still blown away by it every time I do. "Down by the Water"'s been playing on the radio for about a month now—it's so irresistible even my kids sing along. So far the rest of the album sounds just as good.

Maybe. I read this over a month ago, so I'm working off the stuff that stuck with me. In any case, he was "discarded" (justly or not) from his profession—a traumatic life event associated with increased risk of depression, suicide, etc.

I like to think that Anne never would have married Watson in the first place if she'd had any other socially acceptable means to deliver herself from poverty. Watson had all kinds of opportunity to make a success of himself. And he failed. I think I remember reading something about male self-identity being strongly

Did you ever find the Dream Academy cover from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? I looked for it a while back and couldn't find it.

5 year olds also work like a charm cutting through polite crowds. We didn't have any trouble getting in or out with him in the lead.

We were near the Air and Space Museum, just off the main, open part of the mall. Didn't have any trouble hearing any of it. Were we just lucky?

My family drove in from a nearby state, parked at the end of the orange line and arrived at the rally about an hour later (10:45). The trains left the end of the line completely packed, though, so I can imagine anyone else trying to get on had trouble. Sorry Genevieve.

Sorry guys, but this album is my favorite so far this year. Apparently banjo is my thing—my favorite Neko Case songs are the ones heavy on the banjo, too. The local radio station (WXPN in Philly) has been playing "Roll Away Your Stone" recently and they had "The Cave" in rotation months ago. I like both of these

I never found time to post yesterday on Lila Mae, but I think the noir plot structure made me realize that I liked her. I was surprised when I realized I was worried something bad would happen to her. I certainly haven't read enough in the noir genre to be weary of the cliches.