Buck-toothed Girl in Luxembour


The early seasons of the Fame TV show were much beloved by my 9 to 10 year old self. I was sure to include a synopsis of what happened on the show in my diary every Thursday (?) night. Example entry: I think I love rainbows more than unicorns. My little brother is SO annoying. And, guess what happened to Leroy on


Sitting in a movie theater in Wisconsin, it felt mocking to me. I'm a little prickly about how the Midwest is represented in film and on TV, though. The Cohens are indeed from Minneapolis, which appears to be the setting for this new film as well. They definitely don't use the dialect depicted in Fargo in the Twin

No bad "Fargo" accents in "A Serious Man"?
When I saw the Cohen brothers were setting another tale in the upper midwest I immediately got defensive about them mocking the accents again. The trailer suggests they wisely avoided it this time around.

I've been skimming through the comments this afternoon, and this is my favorite story. Lots of people have met celebrities (apparently), but how many introduced them to their favorite album? Awesome.

I haven't watched season 7 since it originally aired, but it seemed like we had to endure a Buffy speech in practically every episode.

I usually don't have time to watch the commentaries—most weeks I was lucky to finish the 3-4 episodes in time for Noel's post. This one sounds like it's worth checking out.

Yes, great interview Zack. I was away on vacation sans internet last week, so I missed the discussions. This answered a lot of lingering questions I had about the book. I wished you'd asked him about the Drinkwater unibrow, though. My eyebrows would grow back together if I let them, so maybe I've been disrupting

My husband is far too obsessed with The Weather Channel for someone who's not a farmer or otherwise employed outdoors. Now at least I know what to get him for Christmas.

The first time I saw this movie, my dad (air force pilot) bitched the entire time about all the factual errors. There were countless issues with the flying scenes. In some shots the planes were armed, and in others they weren't, etc. They're not saluting right. His hair's too long. Blah, blah, blah. Thanks dad.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I'm going to try Dirty South next. I had a chance to lala this new album tonight, too. The first half is really great. I like TVA in particular—my folks live in that part of the country and some of my ancestors' graves had to be relocated when they built one of those dams.

I borrowed Brighter Than Creation's Dark from the library after reading Noel's Popless entry about DBT. It was just okay for me. Did I start with the wrong album, or is this just one of those bands that is much better live?

I've been a Smiths fan for more than 20 years. Obviously it started when I was a mopey, misunderstood teenager. Now I'm essentially nostalgic for the mopey, misunderstood teenager I used to be. Having such an awesome soundtrack for my teen years probably kept me from being suicidal.

Hopefully there were a lot of folks like me? Down at the shore without internet access? Sorry I missed it, because I really enjoyed this book.

Also mentioned are the astronomical ceiling and the whispering gallery in Grand Central Station.

I also thought the "dystopia" was a reasonable progression of where NYC seemed to be going in the late 70s when Crowley would have been writing this. This was when my husband's family fled Chicago for the 'burbs, too.

Watching these episodes this time around I felt that Riley was really the key in bringing Faith down. Faith already knew that Buffy's mom and her friends loved her. The "I love you" sex with Riley was what really freaked her out. (Or maybe it was just that she'd never done it missionary style before?)

I watched this series all the way through hoping I would be rewarded in the end for paying close attention to all the confusing dialogue, that it would all come together and make sense and be totally awesome, if I just concentrated hard enough. Alas. I've never worked so hard to enjoy a show in my life.

It seems that Hoyt still lives with his mother. Am I wrong about that? Since he has chosen to live with his mother, of course he is still "her baby". Hoyt, honey! Be a man and move out. Now!!!!!