
People are donating to a charity and receiving a microwave in return. And every time Colbert asks viewers to donate to a charity without some big gimmicky "prize" his audience responds with extreme generosity. I could compare that to Bill's audience, but so far the numbers do that well enough.

"Hi, I'm Penny, and I take every chance I get to tell you how drunk I am, how much I've been drinking, or how much of your alcohol I drank without you noticing, but if you make a lame joke about me liking wine I'll give you the death glare." Ugh! Dear writers: do something with her!

I still don't understand Wake Up, Ron Burgundy … how is it the filmmakers and studio so utterly failed to reign in their budget or script as to create another 90 minutes of entirely new, unused scenes, or re-takes of scenes that were shot in different locations? The amount of time, money, and energy needed for the

Someone who understand the origins of the name better than 99% of the world.

The song isn't outright anti-war.  It's about someone affected by war longing for death unable to communicate or interact with the outside world in any way.  There isn't a single line in that song that isn't about the victim suffering.  Now, Fight Fire With Fire or Blackened, those are songs with a more overt "knock

Not marketing, legal matters. AMC wanted a sixth season and/or a shorter fifth seaon, Gilligan did not.  The compromise was a extended season airing over two summers … effectively (and indeed realistically) two seasons, but for legal purposes, one whole season.  They're calling it "The Final Season" because "Part two"

It tells Jesse that Walt might have lied about Huell lifting the cigarette, and Saul confirms it.  Saul also says he didn't know that Walt was going to hurt a kid, which tells Jesse that Walt not only knowingly lied about the ricin cigarette, but that poisoning Brock was somehow part of Walt's plan.

Jesse's way more capable of "acting professionally" and "leaving emotion out of it" than Walter has ever been.  Until Gus did something to directly provoke Jesse (like maybe killing Andrea's brother?) Jesse worked and worked well, better than Walter, I think.

I agree that her character seemed to have shifted a little bit from previous antagonizing positions, but still, JANE FUCKING FONDA!!!

"W-w-w-what smells like b-b-b-breakfast? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Middle of the day, kids are at school, and he's blind with rage.  You can care about things and act recklessly as well.

Jesse made enough of a connection to decide that, in fact, Huell lifted the ricin from him.  He remembered Walt had so desperately convinced Jesse that there was no way Huell could have done so, so therefor, it must have been Fring.  Realizing that Walt lied about that, and knowing that Fring had zero involvement in

Once Lydia gets back into Hank's cross-hairs, he's going to be able to crack her like a nut.  Under Walt's nose, he'll build a case as solid as a ro…mineral.

Dude, my mom still tells me to rewind video games!

Burninating the meth lords and their PIZZA-ROOFED COTTAGES!!!!

I think there's a circumstance in which he could.  Hank's not exactly going by the book here, and Jesse could use that to his advantage.  He'll probably never get as good of a deal with the APD or DEA as he would with Hank Schrader: Man of Action at the Corner of Rock and Hardplace.  The guy who makes up the titles is

Next episode will start with Walt bursting in the door of his home and Jesse lighting the fire running out as Walt tries to snuff the flames.  Jesse will steal Walt's car but take the keys to Sauls leaving Walt stranded and b-line straight to the DEA.

Did he?  Jesse could have agreed with him about leaving, or been willing to do him the favor.  All he wanted was honesty.  The hug and Jesse's breakdown, to me, was just him being crushed by how fucked everything was.  It's not outright stated how that meeting ended so who knows what Jesse left thinking.

Nobody's going to say they think Walt isn't a toxic thunder cunt (standing ovation for that phrase, btw @avclub-6268b0b7bf51f37268028c896393a080:disqus ) but what people like watching is a really.  Good.  Villain.