
If every time there's a movie that causes the reaction "Hey, that duplicitous, corrupt, lying, cheating, vile person reminds me of a leader I voted for!" then maybe the follow up reaction shouldn't be "how dare they" and rather "…wait, why do I support the bad guy?"

He … he doesn't kill anybody in Dark Knight Returns … at all! Does Snyder ever know wtf he's talking about when it comes to these characters?!

Looks more like a Pixels reboot than Ghostbusters

An athlete, especially in the 80s, who is desperate for attention, loves the spotlight, and cares more about an exhibition match to than staying alive for his wife and children?

Really enjoyed it, a lot more than I expected to. This film's version of running-up-the-stairs is pretty lame (he runs …. down a street! to a building! with no particularly clear significance as to why that's a challenge!) and almost as tacky as the run in Rocky II but it was still really enjoyable and pushed a lot

The lack of color temperature bullshit to try and convince me "apocalyptic" and "desert" also mean "yellow" was striking. I'm really surprised what a movie looks like without nonsense treating and it's sad that that's the case. God damn, I hate modern hollywood. Look forward to Fury Road though!

Happy-Crappy, I will choke you! *pops a pill* I call the couch!

It's episodes like these I really hate Linda. Stop invading someone's house, stop making up stories, stop everything and leave.

I love you, mom.

Nightly isn't good but it is improving. I'm not seeing the confidence I've heard folks praise Wilmore for, though. He tells ok jokes, lets them sit, shrugs or comments on the thing he just said while audience reaction either simmers or hopefully builds. I mean, it's like half his jokes are followed up by commentary

What was with the weird dubbing in the second ep? Everything out of Aziz's mouth was clearly done in a sound booth, it was like watching a spaghetti western and it made Tom's prickish douchiness even more irritating because it's like the character can't even bother sounding normal anymore either.

Best Adapted Performance: separate the actors who are copying people who really existed vs actors who create performances for original characters. I'm sick of imitation pieces getting the same high praise as those not researched through duplicating what they see on youtube.

I just found out Lynch was going to get fined the same amount Bill Belichick was going to be fined for CHEATING. This stupid fuckin' organization.

Burning off the season two episodes at a time sure isn't doing the season any favors. "Oh my, Ron and Leslie hate each other oh look they made up. Oh, How will Leslie deal with this Gryzzl-Newport land grab issue ah that's how, ok then." That's two of the season's only interesting plot lines resolved just when I was

Absolutely terrible scene. All the big music / score scenes this season have been really bad. Did they get first-year film school students to do those? "Here's final cut and a cd, make something meaningful and deep in, oh, 5 minutes?"

The Neil that wouldn't shut up about Bigfoot being real is the version I'll always remember and hate.

What exactly did Jim do to Maggie to make her act like such a thundercunt to him at all turns, again?

It's just a bad, atonal movie. Howe names his old Walrus friend "Mr. Tusk" after a role model, Mr. Tuskegee. Smith comes up with convoluted way to "cleverly" give the animal with actual tusks the name a 3-year-old would come up with. And the character who becomes the walrus has a mustache, so he looks more like a

I didn't understand why if the moon landing failed the pitch meeting would be so drastically affected. At first I thought it was because of national mourning, but then Peggy says "people who just touched the face of god" and I got flummoxed. How are these Burger People touching the face of god? Perhaps I dug too

This episode gave two "shit"s and a "fuck," wowzers!