
Blue Sky for me, Blue Sky for you, you have a hit, I'll have one too.

"On my 50th birthday, Hank forced my wife to serve my son - whose only joy in life is breakfast, the most important meal of the day - vegetarian bacon.  And if she didn't, he would bring in his car to my second job - which I worked solely to provide pork bacon for MY! *sob* FAMILY! - and make me stay late washing it."

I'm really happy Hank didn't scream at Marie.  He bought into the gambling story as much as she did, and she was looking out for him.  Unlike Walt and Skyler, she didn't knowingly do anything illegal to save her family.  She could (should?) have mentioned it after she found out, but I hope he never takes it out on

Not even last season.  Last episode!  "We wait."  Her big plan at this point is to keep quiet, wait for Walt to die, and bury any possible evidence with his body!  She's back to being the absolute worst!

I used to eat there all the time as a kid!  Haven't been to ABQ in 21 years but when I saw the honey on the table I thought "couldn't be" and the atmosphere?  "Maybe they're outside, I can't tell.  There must be a dozen places like that."  Then the waiter said "Welcome to Gardunos!" and that was probably the most

I certainly didn't, but then this show doesn't leave much of a lasting impression with me.  Too much talking that I, like Maggie, don't necessarily hear everything or retain it.  I didn't even notice the footage jump on the edited video.  Thanks, talkback!

I think he was more upset about how he said it, about yelling at Skylar for being a frightened idiot, but not for telling her he's in charge.  There's no way Walt would ever have said "you're right, we're in danger."  I guess we'll never know.  Skylar was gone and two episodes later, Walt actually became dangerous.

Oh yeah, that was great.  Bullshit called!

"I am the one who knocks.  I am the danger" has lost all meaning to me.  Yes, Walt's prideful and desperate to be the BMOC.  But when he yells that at Skylar?  He's not the danger.  He's a weak cowardly man with no legs to stand on.  "If I don't show up, the whole operation shuts down."  No, if you don't show up,

I've always been bothered by it, and even with the direct-to-video animated movies they're making I'm really annoyed how swept under the rug Kyle was and now Wally West.  Justice League: Doom reunited the whole DCAU JLA voice cast, but Rosenbaum plays Barry Allen?  Why, because you just brought him back to life in the

"Instead of giving them one person or taking the fight elsewhere, let's destroy half the planet.  It's better than doing nothing!"  Yeah, absolute bonkers.

One involved a character begging the crew directly for help, the other didn't, why is that a difficult distinction?

One involved a character begging the crew directly for help, the other didn't, why is that a difficult distinction?

Maybe they will on the series finale of those shows.  Many documentaries - not all, but plenty - involve the crew at some point.  If only a little, it can be a valuable part of the narrative, and there is no rule that says the crew can never, EVER be seen.  And it's certainly not a wrong device to turn to the crew and

Maybe they will on the series finale of those shows.  Many documentaries - not all, but plenty - involve the crew at some point.  If only a little, it can be a valuable part of the narrative, and there is no rule that says the crew can never, EVER be seen.  And it's certainly not a wrong device to turn to the crew and

Newborns are ugly infant distortions of yuck.  They eventually round out into cute babies and cuter toddlers.  Then ugly, ugly children.

Newborns are ugly infant distortions of yuck.  They eventually round out into cute babies and cuter toddlers.  Then ugly, ugly children.

Like, 5 minutes?

Like, 5 minutes?

Was anyone really silly enough to think Carol was anything but alive and non-zombified?