
Was anyone really silly enough to think Carol was anything but alive and non-zombified?

Bag of Hank!  Pleasure Toast!  BAG OF HANK!!!

Bag of Hank!  Pleasure Toast!  BAG OF HANK!!!

Maybe season 3 was slow in terms of grand scale plot, but I've been rewatching them on Adult Swim.com and eps like Fatherklok or Deathzazz or Rehabklok are so awesome.  They're full, entertaining half-hour shows.  They might not answer the question "what's the bigger picture" but they don't ask the question "is that

Maybe season 3 was slow in terms of grand scale plot, but I've been rewatching them on Adult Swim.com and eps like Fatherklok or Deathzazz or Rehabklok are so awesome.  They're full, entertaining half-hour shows.  They might not answer the question "what's the bigger picture" but they don't ask the question "is that

This whole season has been pretty lackluster.  The shortened running time is really unfortunate considering what they did in the previous season with a half-hour show.  These shows all build up to character moments, but don't do anything with them.  Yet another episode about Toki becoming a better guitarist that is

This whole season has been pretty lackluster.  The shortened running time is really unfortunate considering what they did in the previous season with a half-hour show.  These shows all build up to character moments, but don't do anything with them.  Yet another episode about Toki becoming a better guitarist that is

You're definitely right about the childlike nature of David.  All he did in the movie is "ooh what does this button do?" and then go ahead and press it.  Curiosity didn't make him evil and he's hardly punished for his actions (Shaw keeps his body because, presumably, David can still use it, so…).  When a movie doesn't

You're definitely right about the childlike nature of David.  All he did in the movie is "ooh what does this button do?" and then go ahead and press it.  Curiosity didn't make him evil and he's hardly punished for his actions (Shaw keeps his body because, presumably, David can still use it, so…).  When a movie doesn't

I reject any notion that the Jockeys in Prometheus got infected and fled and crashed onto LV-426 leading into Alien.  Because, while something certainly fucked up that ship in the original movie, someone put those eggs into the stasis field (the blue laser thing Cain activates by entering it).  Someone organized those

I reject any notion that the Jockeys in Prometheus got infected and fled and crashed onto LV-426 leading into Alien.  Because, while something certainly fucked up that ship in the original movie, someone put those eggs into the stasis field (the blue laser thing Cain activates by entering it).  Someone organized those

I just realized how the life cycle of stuff worked in this movie.  It's all confusing and probably doesn't make any real sense though, but neither does ANY of the alien mythology from film to film (including Alien and Aliens).

I just realized how the life cycle of stuff worked in this movie.  It's all confusing and probably doesn't make any real sense though, but neither does ANY of the alien mythology from film to film (including Alien and Aliens).

Chang's the worst.  He stopped being funny when he went insane.  Doesn't help that I'm sick of that actor, either.

Chang's the worst.  He stopped being funny when he went insane.  Doesn't help that I'm sick of that actor, either.

Except they stuck Jane Foster into a safe house scenario so Loki wouldn't be able to fine, manipulate, or harm her because of her relationship to Thor.  The only reason they brought up her character at all was because Thor was scared for her after his friend Erik Selvig was tapped.

I just rewrote the entire conference room scene, dialogue and all, in my head with it ending as Daryl moved Nellie's stuff out of Andy's office (as suggested) and the entire office pulling a sort of "I'm Ben Hur" and forcing Robert to man up and do his fucking job.  Andy got tattooed for these people, something

Kevin wants his song with Ava to be something by Metallica.  This show has forever won my viewership.

Still my favorite Metallica album.  Though not necessarily my favorite Metallica songs.

I will say, though, that I have mostly enjoyed Lisa on the show.  She's been funny a lot and right in being annoyed at the idolization of beauty over brains.