Boy, that Lisa sure came off as a real bitch.
Boy, that Lisa sure came off as a real bitch.
I'm not faulting him for ditching the lit torch so much as lighting it to begin with. In the end it looked a little too "LET'S HAVE EVERYONE PARTICIPATE!"
I can't wait for Lori to die. And why did Black Guy (might as well be his name) need to throw the second torch on what was already a blazing pyre? Even in meaningless ways, this show doesn't make any damn sense. I wish I didn't enjoy hating it so much so I could walk away.
It does now! :( MY LIFE IS A LIE!
I have that version of the Dark Knight. Steelbook FYE exclusive. There are no commentaries. Abed overpaid and Annie saved him the disappointment. Truly, she was the roommate Abed needed, though perhaps not always the one he deserved.
Like I said, I couldn't hear any particular inflection in his voice that smacked of racism. I'm taking it on face value as a description of the guy Hershel's pissed at rather than any kind of ignorance or hatred coming through to wedge him away from his daughter. It's possible that's exactly what he's doing, but I…
Well, see, you proved the point in a way. You said "the white guy" and "the other white guy." If you didn't know which was which, how is that clear without providing additional details? There's only one asian guy, therefor, "the asian boy" is immediate and descriptive. If Rick was the only white person then "the…
How is calling Glenn the "asian boy" bad considering it's his most immediately identifiable feature? If he's putting any stank in his pronunciation, I can't hear it. Or maybe just "i dont like you spending all your time with that boy" is clear enough, and calling him asian is racist because in only SOME cases it's…
It's the principle, it's false advertising. If you tune in to a show whose premise is in the title and they never once address it, what the hell? Many people complain that Tim Burton's Batman films didn't have enough Batman, despite his name being in the title. Would Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles be worth…
Remember when "How I Met Your Mother" was about how the guy met his kids' mother?
The Big 4 tour helped revitalize Anthrax in a way small club gigs never could. They're the band trying the hardest on stage. I certainly wouldn't have even bothered with this album if I hadn't been slowly becoming a fan in the wake of the Big 4 shows, and I saw them open for Maiden three years ago!
"Now that she's burned out, she will not fade away." ?? Really?
"Now that she's burned out, she will not fade away." Are you kidding me? She hasn't done shit since her 2006(!) album except suck and die. Seriously, when I heard she died, my first reaction was "oh yeah, she was a person!" How anyone could say she…
Why don't you finish the review?
There was a little more happening in the show than Lois and Clark talking about feelings and the return of a long-dead character. If you can't review the episode as a whole then you have no business reviewing it at all, crappy though this show may be.
all aboard the midnight train
Was I the only one singing backup along with Foreman and House? That scene was awesome.
Marge needs to shut up already
Are Fox or the show contractually obligated to give Kavner X number of lines per show? Was there any reason to have her nagging the family to hurry up and get in the car?! They weren't doddling, they were all moving briskly … there was no reason for her to say a fucking thing. Between…
Really? Phyllis calls Michael "numbnuts" and HE'S getting sniped at for being out of line? Phyllis is a total bitch and has overstepped her place in ways for more offensive than Michael ever has, and numerous times. Yes, Michael's childlike and cartoonish and by all rights should have been fired years ago…