SoCal Distortion

Armitage was Novak's initial source, later confirmed to Noavak by Karl Rove. Libby leaked Plame's name to Judy Miller and Matt Cooper of the NY Times - and then lied to a grand jury. I think the film would have to be 4 hours long to fully detail the number and depth of the Bush administration knives out for Valerie

Enjoying the cool, cool breezes of Hermosa Beach here.

Georges Laraque and Donald Brashear would violently disagree with you. Although Malk was referring to Marty McSorley - Gretzky's personal bodyguard on skates back in the day, and currently a neighbor of SoCal Distortion - who had a bit part as a pilot.

I was 21 floors up in San Francisco for the Loma Prieta quake, and in L.A. for a conference when the Northridge quake hit. I don't remember laughing, I more remember ducking falling ceiling tiles and shards of burst fluorescent light bulbs. I fucking hate earthquakes, as any sane person would.

Guy wrote/co-wrote over 100 episodes of The Rockford Files. Closer to pure gold than pure shit. Can't speak for the rest of his output.

The big ass gun is actually a .475 Wildey (not a .457), and it does pack a big punch. But in Dirty Harry's defense, he wasn't carrying popguns either - S&W .44 Magnum Model 29 and later a .44 Magnum Automag (the forefather of the Desert Eagle) can both take down big game. Or punks, dopers and assorted scum. Your

Len Wiseman…
…the same guy who directed Underworld and a Die Hard flick (and goes home to Kate Beckinsale every night) directed this pilot? Huh. That seems a little random.

Bull Durham
Is NOT a sports movie - it's a few baseball-related scenes smothered by a Rom-Com. Ugh.

She's 47. She looks great. End of story.

Nah, that was her older sister in Brokeback. Kate Mara.

That is, "Have Gun - Will Travel." Paladin being Richard Boone's character.

Also part of the lineup for a few years was "Hec Ramsey," starring one of the great Hollywood bad-asses ever, Richard Boone. See also: Paladin.

I surfed with Chris for years (Ocean Beach in San Francisco), and he is indeed a very funny and genuinely nice dude. He was always just one of the guys, no 'tude at all.

Tecumseh, get in the water, you big sissy. I surfed Ocean Beach and Fort Point in S.F. for a dozen years, nary a shark ever seen.

I live beachside, not a lot of hard-bitten types in the local bars. Mostly USC frat rats.

Hmm, the obvious choice would be self-immolation, but you didn't offer that as a third option.

Oops, should be "You think Macnamara is bad…"

You Macnamara is bad, you should see the Times sports pages

I actually like Kiss (my first concert ever!) and I love Sabbath, but I would never compare the two. Completely different animals.

That's because he was saying "Hummel" (Kurt's last name), not "homo."