SoCal Distortion

I think it would number in the dozens.

City of Quartz was written something like 25 years ago and offers a specifically Marxist POV on L.A. It was interesting, but it's not exactly the most contemporary perspective.

Hey! Enough with the L.A. being destroyed talk. You're hurting all our feelings out here (sniff). Kaleb, we're sorry all the strange goin' ons in the Big City offended your Barstow-bred sensibilities (I kid, I kid).

There is a Hawkwind tribute band playing around L.A. these days. Their schtick, as it were, is that all the band members are gay. Naturally, they call themselves "Cockwind."

Stephen Lang - from Ike Clanton to Col. Quaritch in Avatar. Hell of a character actor.

The Cowboys - as in the gang - absolutely existed, and one of their leaders was Curly Bill Brocious (Powers Boothe in the movie). Johnny Ringo was an occasional member. Don't think they actually wore red sashes, though.

If Only…
They could have worked in Danny Trejo as his sidekick. With an English accent.

Oh, Dream Warriors FTW.

Should be: "blinded by the super bowl ring…" See what the memory has done to me?

Years ago, a firm I was with brought Joe Thiesmann in as a "motivational speaker." Worst. Speech. Ever. The entire hour was Joe-Centric preening while being blinded the Super Bowl he was wearing (and described in loving detail to us).

Trejo is kind of a local mascot in Venice - knows everyone, and is pretty much universally liked. He's just as funny and blunt in person as he comes across in the interview. He's really a good guy.

I'm starting to love Snafu - the guy really brought it in this episode. For some reason, it kind of blew my mind that this is the same guy who played the happy-go-lucky boy pharoah in Night at the Museum.

Kevorkian's Art
I rremember some 90's metal band - was it Acid Bath? - Used a Kevorkian piece for their cover art. Which does seem apropos, as in his own way Kevorkian was metal as fuck.

Blackhawk Down, absolutely. Also, American Gangster, Matchstick Men, and perhaps White Squall.

Anyone who craps on Aliens is not welcome in my home (OK, not that you wanted to drop by anyway). It still kicks all kind of ass.

Defending California is boring. You don't like it, don't come out here. We're all good with that. I will say this, though - You want seasons? Live in my hometown, San Francisco, which turns seasons at least twice a day.

I saw them with Danzig as well. Haven't thought of Type O for some time now, but always liked them, as much for their sense of humor as anything. I mean, "Summer Breeze?" "Be My Druidess?" Good stuff. Sorry to hear this, obviously, everything I've heard from folks who came across him is that Steele was a good guy

TZ vs. Outer Limits
One can certainly appreciate both, but I've always been more of an Outer Limits fan than TZ. That would be the early 60's OL, not the 90's one.

"white folks?" Meh, pretty innocuous. Now, if he had gone with "probable klansmen," "white trash," or even a classic "honky" - then you have a case.

Ah, didn't know there was a name attached to the sarge, didn't catch that in the ep. I do remember reading about Haney.