O2 thief

1. The man can’t even grow a dick from what we’ve heard.

That’s a symptom of Tourettes Syndrome. He should consult a physician.

Well, the world was supposed to have ended that year, so why put any actual effort into anything.

All Republicans are garbage. 

Acosta also tweeted that Sanders’ description of the event was a “lie.”

This pace of change makes societies volatile.”

Now is when the press really needs to... ah... press him on every question. Force the meltdown every time he steps up to a mic.

“You wouldn’t understand my tax returns, Barron’s cyber is way over your heads”

They didn’t show the part where Hannity slipped trump a fifty under the podium.

Or you could have, you know, taken the professional journalistic tack of moderating your comments section. But that would require effort. Better to just paint everyone with the same flamethrower. Yea, that’s the way to do it.

At this point, I wouldn’t blame them if they did.

Instead of actually doing the adult, professional thing and moderating their comments section they decided to take a flamethrower to it.

Deflection, reflection, outright lies anything to further the agenda of hate. This will be the legacy of this president. I’m sorry my kids had to live through this.

Cromwell can eat a bag of dead dicks.”

You can’t raid the complimentary continental breakfast bar if you don’t stay the night.

Spoiler: It’s always the Republicans

“it seems safe to say that the fight to make voting easy and accessible to residents of Dodge City is not over yet.”

I do understand them, that’s the problem. I know that they aren’t going to be swayed by facts, by smoking guns or even video of the guns being fired. Write them off, vote them out and then treat them as you would any Westboro church members, laugh at their ignorance and go around them.

$7.21 Dreadful (Adjusted for Inflation)

personal assistant was bitten by a venomous spider while turning on a lamp, while in London, Dr. Featherstone, his useful warlock, was hospitalised with a bone disease, then became infected by a flesh-eating parasite. His mother’s house was struck by lightning three times, and neighbours reported seeing the spectral