I made it through 2 minutes. Where’s my Medal of Honor?
“If he don’t look good, we don’t look good.”
Hell, I’ve never even been able to finish U 93. Small chance I’m watching this.
Classic liars defensive posture. He can’t help himself.
I had to wrap my fish in my Soros money cause the USA Today stank too badly.
“Jared is such a hidden genius that no one understands.”
It’s what liars do, they can’t take yes for an answer. They require an enthusiastic thumbs up and a hug. This way they can say you were in on the lie when they get busted.
She’s a woman of *hair* color.
So, still part of the Reich, er, administration then
It’s just crap churned up by chickenshit GOP. None of the hardcore R’s I know were outraged, they figured they had a win from the get go.
Both of them thoroughly bought and sold. Liars and cowards.
Likely this dude has some pretty serious skeletons creaking around in his closet.
Thus guaranteeing his future as a member of the “For Sale to the Highest Bidder” political cocksuckers club in the vein of SkellyAnne and Dershowitz.
Us to HATCH:
If you put a dead pigeon on the ballot with (R) next to it, Texicans would vote for it.
Looking at him is like looking in a mirror.