the guy from the place

the cake segment was awesome! not always a big Tina Fey fan, but that sketch was great!

so im usually the last to know stuff, but what is this Kinja thing, and why am i hearing about it?

no better way to end a show than that!

You Spoony Bard!!

i went with low expectations, and …. if you hadnt read the books or had any expectations going in, it wasnt horrible. the horrible part is knowing what it SHOULD have looked and felt like.

T. Herman Zweibel shall return!!!!

Get me Kimpo Air base. I want a squadron of jets. And get me the Navy for some offshore bombardment. Major General "Iron Guts" Kelly is gonna perish in a full-scale, blazing, all-out glorious, star-spangled bannered death.

maybe they can finally shed some light on the meaning of "Covfefe"

the Gooch was the ukulele player that finally gave Ted from scrubs a reason to live!


set up the kickstarter, im in!

hope you all had a fun day off celebrating my birthday!

this could have all been avoided had we only listened to Mr Johnson's original demands….. " we'll give some land to the …. and the ….., but we dont want the Irish!"

NOT JUST VINDICATED BUT HUGELY VINDICATED!!! if he repeats it often enuf, hes usually ale to convince himself

who are you, Tom Brady?

Cubs Game Friday, Cubs Game Sunday, Liver transplant tbt……..

i feel the need, the need to pass on this movie

There's two kinds of kids, kids who like Animaniacs and kids who don't like Animaniacs, so which one are you?

upvote for the classy usage of Miss.

cant we just get the Iron man Veronica suit to do that fast punch to face?