the guy from the place

with the time i waste
on the life i never had
could have turned Discuss
into a better man

if such is to be my last comment, then i shall make it a comment worth upvoting!

in fact, forget the blackjack!

well said!

Was it over when Kinja bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No! and it ain't over now!!

If you kids don't quiet down back there, ill turn this Discuss around!

Oooooohhhhh IIIIIiiiiiiiiii ain't got no Kinja……

sure, they're giving em out for free behind the Taste-T-Freeze!

i really should go back to work, but ive become too invested in wasting time

have an upvote from me, its Kinja day after all

in Kinja, no one can hear you scream!

Can it still be Two things?


as the plague of KinjaCancerAIDS begins to spread, i wish you all a fond Kinjapocalypse


fear the KinjaCancerAids!

i think the CancerAids has mutated to some form of KinjaCancerAids!

but in another day itll be Kinja,….. so do we really have a few months? do we????

so a few months ago, my friend and i were mad a bartender left without saying goodbye. he sent a picture of a black rooster to show our displeasure. apparently he sanitized his phone before going home, and had no memory of doing this when we got together again a week ago at the same bar. when i asked the bartender

you win the intraweb today sir, now take me to Janus.