the guy from the place

was it the Moops?

i have not trusted any news since i stopped getting updates from T. Herman Zweibel!

7 year old niece had a roller skating birthday party. after putting on skates only to realize my center of gravity is significantly different from the last time i put on skates (30years ago), i was proud of never falling! when she opens her presents, i offered to hold onto the $10 she got in one of her cards. after


at least we still got the penguins!

And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

so you dont want a fish sandwich then? ok thats cool, i guess, by the way … my car it does not exist so the bus is what we will be taking…….

two things etc.

try some Big Pink. The only gum with the breath freshening power of ham!

it can be two things

proud No'MaaM member! the reverend Al was a great bit!

Conan the Librarian!

im a tax accountant, this is tax season, i dont need to see more tax code right now!

hey hey!! third times a charm. comment link kept taking me to some ol thread about New Girls…..

make sure to hide in a box, inside the truck in the first compound.

turned my back on my 7 month old Vizsla puppy for 12 seconds last night. came out of the kitchen to find toilet paper in one unbroken line from the bathroom, down the hallway, out to the living room….. if he wasnt so damn proud of himself id have been really pissed~

most of the time, the commentary is what brings me here far more than the articles. dont care for this change at all

I don't think they make Nike's in her size…..

Unleash the hounds!

like in the back of a Volkswagon?