the guy from the place

all of this out of town and short column stuff leads me to believe there is some severe shenanigans going on with the block n tackle fantasy league! i missed the playoffs by tiebreaker, and i, along with Jill Stein, demand a recount!

that was a tough one last nite, could just feel the air comin out of the new stadium faster than that one time the dome collapsed. really thought we were gonna pull that one out……

but did he stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night?

$10 worth of Chinese fortune cookies from Imperial Palace, case of Mountain Dew and TSB! those were the days!

wargasm 1 2 3

sometimes you just have to look the potato of injustice right in the eye

was going to see Dr. Strange, but for movie days we usually meet at the bar at noon, and see a 9pm show. this time, we decided to just stay at the bar.

“Why do you deserve this?”

in the New Trump America, will i have my comments removed for quoting song lyrics? if so, sign me up! just kidding, ill gladly have all my posts removed in exchange of the orange dust mop retired to obscurity.

"Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for."


was at wrigley for the clincher, forgot to take my jersey out of the car, so had to spend sunday getting the brewery smell out….. all in all a great trade off~

i would join this campaign, if only to get Joe Buck off the air forever….

i dont know, if might not be uuuuuugggggeeeeeeeee enuf for the Don. Enlarge if 6000%, add my name in Gold on it, and you got a deal!

talk to Madonna, apparently shes ready!

i would watch this

Destiny is a funny thing. Once I thought I was destined to become Emperor of Greenland, sole monarch over its 52,000 inhabitants. Then I thought I was destined to build a Polynesian longship in my garage. I was wrong then, but I've got it now

i miss the good ole days of wrestling. No one ever did a promo like he did

So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn
