the guy from the place

The "Roger" chants last night made me smile hate that friggin Goodell~


dont ask questions you dont really want the answers to!


is this the right place for a "can it be two things" joke?

this is why we cant have nice things

too early for Flapjacks?


you could dial it down

i would, but that damn loch ness monser just conned me out of another treefiddy

THIS SUCKS! theyre having the movies 20 miles from me, and i have plans i cant change this weekend! UGGGGGGGGGGGGG

The futurama episode where bender does the Bee dance always makes me think of this video. so wish they could have worked that in some way

I'm sure theres a Martha she can play in one of the upcoming movies. No not that Martha, the other Martha……

Boys! Look at what i got here!

you got an ATM on that torso Lite-Brite?

More Cowbell!

i clicked accept without reading the whole agreement. if there was anything important there, i assume i would have read about it here

as long as Julia Roberts does not play Julia Roberts, i think i can avoid boiling levels of hate

i always thought the Slurm queen had something involved here

THIS! this is what happens when Trump invites the Russians to cyber hack us. Thanks Trump!