the guy from the place

proudly drinking beer while announcing ala Harry Caray!

is this the right place to admit i have never seen any of these movies?

as is condition

with that kind of money, surely you can float a loan to my Uncle Eddie. hes fallen on hard times

Lie when your wife is waking. Lie when your belly's aching. Lie when you know she's faking. Lie, sell shoes and lie

i started having my doubts when Brian Williams said he was in the car with the swimmers……

some, i assume, are good people

"Breakfast of champions!" — George Lucas, pouring COlt 45 over bowl of Admiral Ackbar cereal.

You cannot blame the wang

clearly my attention span was so short, i could not move my finger from all the way over to the V, had to settle for the C…..

So those in AC Club officaldom can post GIF's, but i cant?? THIS WILL NOT STAND! lucky for them i have a short attention sp…… Oooo shiny!

i bet you wish you'd paid more attention in algebra now don't ya!

mmmmm Shorts….. wait was bender on the Simpsons?

who plays Martha? or Martha? or the other Martha? i cant find the time to look all this up on IMDB you know!

Is Paul Lynde still available?

The A.V. Club

contact Dikachu. im sure he has some experts in that area he can reach out to

as long as its not on VHS, the article over there ——> says that VCR's are no longer being made,,,,, again,,,,

this made my week!! wheeeeeee!!!!!!! i was worried about daredevil season 3! cue the blind man happy dance!

im still confused, can we lay this all out with charts and graphs?