the guy from the place


This is your cousin, Marvin Martin, you know that new flag look youve been searching for, well look at THIS!

the indian accent kinda gives it away….

i almost bought that house, but then i found out hop-along cassidy killed himself there with a bow and arrow

whats all this streaming stuff aboot?

shut up and take my money!!!!!

saving throw modifier?

ret con that Wonder Woman's mothers name is Martha

dead & co. show at Alpine Valley. took 3 showers to get rid of the smell of hippies but worth it!

this site, nay the entire world needs more Your Mom jokes! well done

This place is great! … Two Lincolns for every Napoleon. .

not a single Broken Lizard comedy in there? Supertroopers?? Beerfest?? what kind of list is this anyway? I'm gonna go make my own list, with blackjack, and hookers! in fact, forget the list!

bring me the human horn!

you are all quite welcome, it took a lot of wheeling and dealing to convince so many to take a day off work to celebrate my birthday!

so do you think it'll be an early spring?

as long as we can all agree on the wholesomeness of the black and white cookie.

=======~ goes back on smoke break, screw this arrow stuff~

Dikachu's new job?

make sure you get the same lawyers that torpedo'd the Star Trek fan film!

Martha's in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are