the guy from the place

It is true what they say… Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9.

Matthew Stover's Revenge of the Sith novel is great tho! ill read that over and over vs seeing the movie anyday!

Tom Arnold approaches a lifetime pass, just for True Lies.

the voice over will be James Earl Jones shouting NOOOOOO——OOOOOOOOO

that was Back to the Future 2. O, wait that was To Be Concluded…. Never mind

he is the INfamous El Guapo

i feel there is a joke tie in with Waterworld here somewhere, i just cant seem to find it

Okay, let's see here. Shatner, Shatner, nope! Doesn't look like he's in this one, we're safe!

I for one would not mind if she read "go the fuck to sleep" to me every night…..

you remember our car? two seats! where's he gonna sit? WHERE???

but now the owner won't be able to move the team to Florida! this bunch of mis-fits totally RUINED her plans!

i think you mean "slide whistle"

tried checking my active vouchers, and i get an error that "We are currently experiencing difficulties. Please check back again at a later time."

dont say that, or the answer will surely be MORE lens flare!

proof once again that it can be two things!

that poor little Inukshuk, all it wanted to do was point the way for future travellers. Then Twiddleston had to stop by for theit make out session. Wont Someone Think of the Inukshuk's???????

Independence Day the FLAMETHROWER! The kids love this one.

what would the Space Pope have to say about this?

its just been reovked

but will they be pre-set to "Erotic Assassin" ?