the guy from the place

disappointing lack of love for Nikolai Volkoff!

Double Dribble or GTFO!

I would watch this show!


i keep this song ready in my Touchtones playlist, if the crowd at the bar starts pissing me off, i Play it Now 4 times in a row. empties out the joint and i can enjoy my alcohol in peace

i thought this was the day we were teaching poodles how to fly. darn out of date UHF tv guide…..

Earth: What a planet.
On Earth, you enjoy eating a tasty clam.
On my planet, clams enjoy eating a tasty you

can i save time if i start to hate the new comment section now?

when did we allow things be to be TWO things?

The A.V. Club

Grape is an Ape

but could you spare a square?

You don't have people killed. I have people killed; I'm the bad guy, remember?

sorry internet, i choose to care about other things

i was at that game. The missed kick was bad, but my beer freezing before it could be consumed was almost as bad!

Virginia Butler…. I WILL DESTROY YOU!

THAT'S IT, THEN!! Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas!

who doesn't want a Jr. Mint?

cause all the dough goes to US!

a 4 story building would have much more synergy. or since we're talking sequel, maybe an 8 story building??