the guy from the place

the sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli!

first the AV club tells me now to hate the star wars prequels, then they throw this horrible new comment system at me to distract me!

now that the premier has aired…. has anyone seen Jeb Bush?

just under $500K to go on the stretch goal!! ElDan should have that much laying around somewhere…..

not really related, but we had our Downtown business trick or treat this weekend. i broke out my Darth Vader outfit and posed for pics for a friend of mines business. over 400 kids, several of whom im sure had nightmares. one little kid in a stromtrooper costume took one look at me, (I'm 6'7 without the helmet)

i love it when a plan comes together

token, there's bound to be a bass guitar in your basement!

stormtrooper training school motto!

only the new Common Core math

can it be two things?

when you try not to choose, thats when the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man makes his move!


sent you an email if you still have a spot open, sounds like fun!

upvoted in case this was meant as a Blues Brothers reference!

its times like this im really glad memes cant be posted, i dont have to endure the 50,000 pic of michael jackson eating popcorn during a flame fight!

i have no strong feelings one way or the other

i want to upvote this more than once. you win the intraweb today sir!

leave the gun. take the cannoli.

Toad the Wet Sprocket/Coil hands down

shut up and take my money!