the guy from the place

no, no, no use B A Select Start. i wanna use the 2 player option!

set the home theater up in the backyard and streamed all the chicago shows. was all worth it for the neighbor lady up the road to yell "will you shut the fuck up down there!"

is there a pamphlet somewhere with all of the official A.V. Club policies? if so , can i order one with a self addressed stamped envelope?

i remember playing this game all the way to the end, and getting a "Congrats" message or something for my 5 hours of dedicated destruction. left me feeling very unsatisfied. kinda how i feel about the movie version…..

this list need to be reworked, as Al Bundy is clearly the best choice for the "B"

If there is not someone at every one of Trump's public events with a pic from his Bloom County days, i will be very disaapointed

im not JUST taking up space, im drinking a Pepsi

Only Statler and Waldorf can make this possibly work

i would have a problem with that, but i cant read what you wrote……

I'll start making the Jell-O

i have no strong feelings one way or the other

my comcast line ran across my backyard. wind knocked a tree limb down, and ripped the cable off the side of my house. the cable is lying in a large pile in the backyard. after several customer service reps walked me thru turning my modem off and back on to see if that fixes the problem, i was able to convince them

the Nixon White House tapes

I can only tell if they use the official <sarcasm font=""> if thats not there, i just have to assume its sarcasm.

We had a name for people that kicked when they fought. We called ‘em girls.

you have left out Darkwing Duck! Ooooohhhhhhhh.. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the AngryDome!

go out side, turn around, spit AND curse!

you cant just ay you're breezy, that totally negates the breezy

im not a lawyer, but i may have stayed in a holiday inn express last night…

thankfully the only taco bell around is clear on the other side of town. sadly, it is right across from the bar that gets the good bands to play there………..