
"They called Titanic the Ship of Dreams. And it was. It really was."

That was continuing the trend of that Jerry Maguire song with the spliced dialogue from the movie in it.

Didn't MP3s become a thing in 1997 and thus kill CD-Rs almost immediately?

Forty-five versions of a pelican.

Hey, the '90s were the time of the long tail. I mean, Titanic was in theaters for like 2 years.

"Watch out, Itchy, he's Irish!"

Whenever I see someone truly crazy on the internet, it always turns out to be a gay Filipino boy.

He is applying the finishing touches, but Garageband keeps crashing and losing the file!

Is it really trivia? He brought it up all the time on American Idol. Ironically, he was faux embarrassed about it, like he was ashamed to be associated with this cheesy band, and being a judge on American Idol was a big step up (which, TBF, it was).

Ann. Perkins!

It can be two things!

Of Allo, Duo, Google Chat, and the other 3 or 4, which one is best for me as a cis straight male?

To be honest, current events are illustrating how very easy it is to make people believe complete falsehoods like "Obama has been oppressing us with bad healthcare for 17 years." And this is in a (presently) "free" country, so you can imagine if they made it illegal to even talk about the Jedi, that they would simply

I would pronounce that "duff-nuts."

And it's like how Chris Hardwick originally was the lame male sidekick host on MTV's Singled Out, and now he is an heir to William Randolph Hearst's fortune.

Yeah Season 5 is like Season 9 of the Simpsons. It's still really great, but there are just one or two episodes that aren't so good.

I think the producers learned a painful lesson that you can't make the weird side character into the lead character. They tried to do it with Dwight on The Farm, too, and that got canned super-quick.

Bad data visualization, Internet!

I'm sure there is a linguist who has made it his mission in life to make the Klingons switch from their troublesome and hard-to-learn native script into the highly logical romanized orthography the Federation thought up.

That's why Dune was so great, and why the sequels sucked more and more.