
Cards are the tools of magicians, and magicians dabble in the dark arts!

His pronunciation of the name of the author of GITS is like, the whitest thing ever.

It's ice-nine! We're all doomed!

The most interesting man—er, people in the world.

Does Windows still run on top of DOS or have they totally redesigned it it from the bottom up? I remember at least in Windows 7, you could still run everything from the DOS shell, like a nerd from the '80s.

My understanding is that Japan largely tries to pretend nothing happened, including the nuclear bombings, so they gloss over that part of history in school. Which is slightly better than actively glorifying the generals with statues and flying the Confederate flag.

You never know! I heard the Mooch is out of a job and he has something to do with Hollywood, maybe he would take over and demand slavery be depicted as a good thing.

This seems like the Tumblriffic outrage campaign against Outsourced, a show that had a mostly Indian cast, Indian writers, and strong Indian viewership (it got better ratings than Community). I think NBC ended up replacing it with some game show hosted by a bland white guy, so good job for standing up for diversity,

Nah, California outside the major cities is pretty redneck.

He's alive on the Genesis planet! He just needs an understanding lady to give him a hand job!

I find the iPhone emoji set ugly in general. The Android versions are cuter because they look like gumdrops.

If you want to doxx me baby, just go ahead now…
Actually, please don't.

I remember that you either liked Hootie and the Blowfish, Dave Matthews Band, or Blues Traveler, and I picked Blues Traveler initially. Then I figured out they were boring and switched to DMB. Open up my head and let me o-o-ut! Little bay-bee!

Props for the Chan Kinchla reference.

Dude ruined his entire life for 1 week as Trump's lickspittle. Hahahahaha.


I think the reason that happens is not that they think white people are significantly more fragile, but because they are more likely to get huffy and sue the restaurant.

Pigs died out in Star Trek? But that's the magical animal where bacon, ham, and sausage come from!

"Top Grunge!"

I don't know why Bannon even tries. If you've got the ability to suck your own dick, wouldn't you basically spend all day rolled up in a ball, going to town?