
Watch out Itchy, he's Irish!

The writers (at least the original crew) have always defended the show by saying they make fun of their main character the most, and he's a white male. And Hank Azaria has spoken frankly about his evolving feelings about Apu, and that he understands where the critics are coming from.

He didn't cover it, he mashed it up with "Sweet Home Alabama" and made his own terrible lyrics about how he likes both of those songs. Like his Senate campaign, it's not technically illegal, but it somehow is the worst crime against humanity.

Frankly, it was very nice of the Axis to not insist on making German and Japanese the official languages of the conquered territories, thereby squashing the joke "You'd be speaking German if it weren't for us." Fictional Nazis > real-life Nazis


Apparently it is very popular in the South, to the extent that it's almost completely replaced Diet Coke. This might be the only thing that the South has ever gotten right.

Or the way the Ferengi in Star Trek pronounce it, "feeeee-males."

I saw him at Outside Lands a few years ago. A transcendent experience, even with the usual festival nonsense. IMO, when he does Beatles songs, it sounds wrong, because the Beatles sound is so specific and can't really be replicated live with modern equipment. But the Wings songs sound spot on and amazing.

Not if Admiral Halsey and his butter pie have anything to say about it.

Block that vibrato unit and put in three humbuckers!

There is an explosion of "bedroom DJs" like Skrillex instead. Also, podcasters and Youtube stars.

They are only a scam if you are non-white or your goal is to find out if you are related to a king (popular in UK) or a famous sociopathic serial killer (popular in America).

So the existing orcas are deprecated?

I recently had to do very basic adding text boxes on a picture, and this program Paintbrush works well for that.

Yeah, I'm "surprised" (not really, given that AVC has really lowered their standards) that Barsanti, a person who writes words for a living, does not know a fairly standard word like "deprecated".

Oh sure. It's not a great book. But Family Guy and BBT have a lot of fans, and this is exactly their type of thing. They are people who say, "I'm a nerd!" but don't go to the full extent of "The world is a hateful place, I am dreadfully lonely and want to die, but I'm too scared to kill myself." It must be nice to

There is an explanation for that in the book. Basically the "Steve Jobs" of this world created this game in which he put all the pop/nerd culture he loved from his childhood/teenage years. Coincidentally, it's all the stuff Ernest Cline loved!

I think the people who are backlashing the most against Ready Player One are the people who jumped off the MCU bandwagon when it started winking too much at itself. Like, they wouldn't have liked Spider-man: Homecoming for the sheer amount of references to the Avengers. And that is their torment, to only experience a

Suh-qua-ruh-spice. It's me'uhl, completely me'uhl!

Adrian Pasdar is gonna be the bad guy in every sci-fi/comic book series from now on, huh?