
Those guys are retired now, gramps.

Oh, so now we're gonna pretend there wasn't a giant article earlier this week shaming the people who serve garbage food like this?

What about "Depot" or "Job Site"?

"But the wait staff was hilariously rude and pushy."

There are multiple ice cream shops in Portland that have incredibly long-ass names for their flavors. One was "Chocolate As $*&#", which for some reason, the person behind me said was "Chocolate As Shit." This was a young millennial person who presumably had seen "af" on the internet.

Hi Barron!

He coriander the pressure of his job.

I'm glad we put in leaders who can run the government like a business!

But Genco Olive Oil is top quality stuff. It's guaranteed by Don Corleone himself!

When we went out to big Chinese multiple family gatherings, the kids' table would always get chow mein or fried rice, while the adults would have whatever they were having (probably yucky vegetables like bok choy and eggplant). You know what? We loved it!

It's the same people who were going, "You eat SEAWEED?!? Ewww, gross!" 30 years ago at their Asian schoolmate.

I missed the episode of Winnie the Pooh where he lets a Nobel Peace Prize winner rot and die in prison.

I just discovered a place that makes musubi on Division. It's really great for a snack.

I like what you are modestly proposing.

You…you forgot about the West Coast. There are a ton of Indian restaurants here. There is even Indian fast food type places in California.

It's pretty obvious. Minions communicate entirely by gibberish and body language, thereby eliminating the need for translation. Thus, they are huge in the international market. Also, kids like bright, cute things.

Aren't they also good for sailors and dockworkers? Like, you can wash the fish guts out of them easily and they're waterproof.

Yeah, it was the same in Seattle. Even when the Seahawks were bad and the Mariners were actually kinda good, it was nonstop football talk in June.

Also just talk radio in general. I kinda get why they have to do it, both to fill time and reset for new listeners, but it's super annoying.

Do they really call Cleveland "The Land", as in "The Cavs did not Defend The Land very well this season?"